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Botanical Magic
Citation:   Bryan. "Botanical Magic: An Experience with Kratom (exp60282)". Mar 9, 2007.

6.0 g oral Kratom (tea)
I just wanted to share my usage with the Herb Kratom with other users and people that are interested with the Mitragyna speciosa tree. To date of this writing I have used Kratom approx. 200 times within the last year, and daily for the last 4 months.

I got cancer (hodgkins) in the fall of 2003 and with chemotherapy it went away nicely and still today (2007) there has been no reoccurrence. Unfortunately the chemo has left my body to a lot of aching and bone and muscle pain. Also I work outside daily and walk approx. 6 miles a day so this doesn’t add to my pain.

Anyhow back to Kratom. I first used it about 1 year ago to find out what its effects are due to curiosity. Now one year later I am thanking Kratom deeply. When one is using Kratom they are what I call 'Kratomized' lol.

I make a tea out of Kratom grinding 6 grams of leaf and adding a splash of concentrated lemon juice and eight ounces of water. I boil down to 4 ounces, strain, and drink the liquid. Its amazing how something taken orally can create affects so quickly in the body hence within 10 minutes I feel 'all' body pain to disperse. Kratom also has a slightly 'mood elevating' properties though I can continue to go about daily chores without any problems, ie. driving. Lastly the third property I use Kratom for is its stimulating effects. I used cocaine a few times when I was in my early 20s and the speedy feelings along with the mood elevating effects are very similar to using a small amount of cocaine minus the racing heartbeat and elevated blood pressure.

Also there is no 'crash' with Kratom. Its effects last for approx. 6 hours and only very gradually diminish. I usually drink my tea in the morning before work and its properties really help me work harder, smarter, and get my work done faster. I also have to have a lot of bloodwork done at the Dr. office regularly. Never have I had elevated liver or kidney levels with brings me to believe that Kratom 'doesn’t' wreak havoc on the liver or kidneys (since being consumed orally I would most worry about these organs being hurt or damaged). Ived heard that people who smoke opium or use a high dose of pharm. opiates develop a 'itch'. I sometimes, not much anymore, get this itch from Kratom use mostly on my chest. Actually I enjoy it and its most pleasing to have for me oddly enough.

The only downside is that sometimes Kratom can cause a slight upset stomach. I make sure to eat a good amount (my breakfast) after Kratom ingesting and this helps %90 percent of the time.

I know from reading online forums a lot of people say Kratom is addicting and no better than a Vicodin addiction. Id have to disagree as Kratom leaves me with no withdrawals physically and as far as mentally anything that helps pain, makes me feel slightly better mentally, and gives me plenty of energy.

There are things in life, and I feel Kratom is one of them that are a sort of 'Eden' and can be used often and have continuing positive results. My body has never developed a tolerance to Kratom ( I use 6 grams daily). I do find though that abstaining from Kratom and then using it makes the herb work slightly better.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 9, 2007Views: 18,365
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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