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Inhaler Overdose
Albuterol Inhaler
by Carl
Citation:   Carl. "Inhaler Overdose: An Experience with Albuterol Inhaler (exp6031)". Apr 4, 2001.

13 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol (gas)
  13 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol (gas)
  13 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol (gas)
I was in my room (which was in the basement of my house) by myself listening to some Manson. I heard you could catch a 'buzz' off of inhalers. I smoked pot once and tried wall hits before but never had a powerful drug experience. I attached my arrow chamber (a tube that connects to inhaler to ensure you get all the medicine) to my inhaler and took 10-15 sprays. I then grabbed my neck with my hands to cut off the circulation and past out in front of my waterbed. I did this 2 more times, and when I woke up after passing out the 3rd time, I remember thinking, 'This isn’t so bad.' I looked in the mirror on my waterbed and saw white dots fly horizontally across vision. I laughed a few times then everything seemed to go wrong.

I had a huge rush fly through my body, and heart rate picked up rapidly. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were extremely red. This led me to think I was some sort of devil. I stood up quickly and my vision became very distorted and choppy. My vision became so choppy, it seemed I had a frame rate of 1 frame per 5 seconds. The next thing I remember, I was standing on the other side my waterbed freaking out. I kept leaving my body over and over. It felt like I was being ripped out of my body and thrown back in every second, but the seconds felt like a lifetime. I could here the Manson song in the background, a very repetitive song that kept chanting, 'No salvation, hah hah, no forgiveness.' Those were the only words said for several minutes, and it made me feel like my life was a broken record for eternity.

Finally I stopped leaving my body and began to panic and run around my room trying to cry, but I couldn’t seem to shed a tear. My nose and lungs felt like they were freezing, and I was breathing very hard but wasn’t getting much oxygen. I ran to my CD player and turned it off. The music being gone felt like a relief somewhat but I was still very horrified. I sat back in my blow up chair. I could feel my heart beat very hard and it felt like I was rocking back and forth.

This truly was the worst experience I have ever had. Everything I looked at would move in a circular rotation, like it was floating, even 4-5 months after the experience. Stairs I walked up would jump around left to right. I had flashbacks several times a week at first, which gradually decreased to none 1 1/2 years later. I also had severe depression and phobias such as agoraphobia and paranoia. I thought people were poisoning me and putting acid in my food. This paranoia lasted 3 years, and so did the panic attacks I had every day!!! I definitely do not recommend doing inhalants, they ruined my high school years and maybe some future years to come.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 6031
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2001Views: 61,825
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Pharms - Albuterol (241), Inhalants (29) : Bad Trips (6), Health Problems (27), Overdose (29), Depression (15), Post Trip Problems (8), Alone (16)

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