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Extreme Pain with Octave Shift
Heimia Salicifolia (Sinicuichi)
Citation:   Sunny. "Extreme Pain with Octave Shift: An Experience with Heimia Salicifolia (Sinicuichi) (exp60354)". Feb 23, 2010.

1 cig. smoked Heimia salicifolia (plant material)
  2.5 cups oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
I have been 'involved' with psychedelic plants and compounds since my early teens but never til now have bothered to experiment with Heimia Salicifolia aka 'Sun Opener'. I ordered 10 grams from a reputable source which arrived within a week.

The first thing I did was rolled a gram joint to experience its effects prior to injesting the rest as a tea. Smoking the leaves gave me a mild buzz similiar to marijuana but more drowsy feeling. Music was slightly enhanced and a noticable feeling of euphoria was also experieced. As I got up for the bathroom, I noticed my balance was slightly off similiar to the result of a few beers. A darkening of surroundings is noticed while on the toilet. Effects wear off around the 3 hour mark as I began to pass out from the drowsy effect. I awoke the next morning with the worst headache I've ever had (Aspirin did nothing for it). At this point I should have taken this as a sign that perhaps I should think twice about injesting this stuff. But instead, I brushed it off as a symptom of smoking and that it could have been a combination of the change in weather pressure as well.

A week later I decide to brew the tea. I boiled it in about 5 cups of water for 10 minutes on High. Then I let it steep for about 20 minutes, letting it cool down. I poured about 2.5 cups into a large pint glass and proceeded to add some cream and stevia to sweeten the taste. It took quite a bit of stevia actually, this stuff is extremely bitter but not quite as bad as Calea Zacatchichi. Next thing I sat comfortable browsing the internet drinking the tea as I would any other tea and after I had drank about half the glass, I began to notice a tensing up of all my muscles and jaw in particular. Then I noticed I was complete crouched over and about as unrelaxed as I've ever been. I wondered why and immediately stopped drinking the tea. I began to feel this tightening in my entire body, head included. At that point I knew I was having an adverse reaction. The tenseness developed more and more into a very painful sensation as if I had been beaten all over my body and was healing from bruises. I could barely walk 5 feet. When I moved I felt extreme pain and wished I had some pain killers kickin around but all I had was some lousey aspirin which I took but it seemed to do little for me. The remainder of the night was me trying to sleep it off and hopefully feel better in the morning.

In the morning I woke up still in alot of bodily pain (even my balls hurt when I went to take a pee!) Then the worst part happened-I remembered people speak about this stuff as an auditory hallicinogen and decided to check if this out for myself. As a music lover, I would have loved to have listened to music during the evening if I wasn't in so much pain. But I couldn't think of anything else but how to stop the tightening adverse reaction. Anyways, I put on some music that I was very familiar with and to my utter surprise, the entire thing was pitched down exactly 1 octave. This troubled me as it had already been the next day and it didn't particularly sound great that way. It seemed to take with it the essence and I couldn't even bop my head to this. It was simply bad sounding. I wanted my audio to shift back to normal. It's still the next day so I won't know for a day or two if my hearing is permanently mangled from this stuff.

I threw the remainder of the tea down the toilet and will never touch this stuff again! I hope this message saves a few people from trying this and having a similiar reaction.

Wednesday January 31 2007

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60354
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2010Views: 12,327
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Heimia salicifolia (150) : Health Problems (27), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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