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Basically Felt Like I Was an Awkward Teen Again
Pramiracetam & Choline
Citation:   nootropal. "Basically Felt Like I Was an Awkward Teen Again: An Experience with Pramiracetam & Choline (exp60410)". Mar 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
600 mg oral Pramiracetam
  T+ 0:00 250 mg oral Vitamins - Choline
  T+ 15:00 600 mg oral Pramiracetam
  T+ 15:00 250 mg oral Vitamins - Choline
Its No Piece of Pi

I have tried Piracetam before, wanted to compare my experience of it with Pramiracetam. Pramiracetam is supposedly much stronger than the other. I have also heard it is preferable to take choline with any -racetams. I also must mention that I usually take zoloft and abilify for schizoaffective disorder, but not this day as I wanted to feel like myself
I usually take zoloft and abilify for schizoaffective disorder, but not this day as I wanted to feel like myself
in this situation.

7:00 pm day 1
600 mg of Pramiracetam 250 mg Choline: waiting for the warm witty sensation that I have felt with piracetam. Slowly I realize that nothing is going to change. I am still just as smart as I have ever been.

1 hour into it feels as if their are some options I have never considered before. Now keep in mind that I am a very sensitive person. One cup of coffee is enough too make me feel strange, and this was not even that intense. I turn on some heavy industrial music and still did not feel much different, but then I realized a sort of multiple personality complex that pervaded me. I am not alone. We all go in and out of modes like toggle switches. But I did not care as it seemed okay if there was 10 selves in me. There was no head rushing, neither was there a profound sense of well-being or enlightenment. Just ideas I never usually would have considered, most people would have said it did nothing, I think.

2 hours into it I went to read to myself easily, but aloud was belabored. Not the kind of 'smart' effect I was expecting. I sounded like a drunken physicist. I start to feel nervous and uneasy and try to go to sleep. I went to bed more easily than usual though.

10:00 am day 2
taken 600 mg of Pramiracetam 250 choline. Remembered my dreams clearly. Basically I was reliving experiences if I had did them differently. This is where I differ with Piracetam. My dreams are often kind of colorful and fuzzy with Piracetam.

I go out to a diner to eat and I occasionally get brief spikes of insight. Almost enough to go unnoticed. Possibly a placebo effect. Verbally I feel slightly better with my friend with me, though I am not quite as graceful as usual. Not much special has happened since.

Pramiracetam though supposedly much stronger than Piracetam did not have as positive of an effect. It is a little disappointing from an iq perspective. I basically felt like I was an awkward teen again. Smarter than everyone but with no social grace.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60410
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 1,726
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Pramiracetam (599) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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