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Moving Swiftly
by al
Citation:   al. "Moving Swiftly: An Experience with LSD (exp60415)". Nov 5, 2022.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Wow, what I'm about to recall isn't everything that happened during the trip, it's just the vivid visuals I can recall on the spot from that exciting night.

I bought two hits from a friend and I had 4 other friends buying 1 hit of fine quality blotters. We all decided to take our hits, go to a barbeque festival in town, and then hit up b's house later. The first hour nothing, just excitement from all of us as we await the peak. Second hour I remember people walking past me saying softly, 'acid, are you on acid?'. Then about 2 and a half hours pass, I start to feel a weird sensation in my body.

My friend messes with a random person at the festival and I laugh uncontrollably. It felt better than when I was on ecstacy the first time. I felt an amazing jolt of happiness and euphoria zoom past my body. Then I remember talking to alot of people as I walk around the festival for another hour or two.

Feeling more euphoric then paranoid, I transcend with my friends about a half mile up the road from the barbeque up to s's house. We eventually find out he has taken 2 hits about 2 hours ago and is tripping balls. All 5 of us go to his courtyard and I start to get a low paranoid feeling. Very annoying and antsy feeling of when this is going to stop and why am I out in 50 degree weather other than a nice warm house in a nice warm chair.

After talking to s we head back to the barbeque. Ahh, I was tired of that, but they all wanted to go back so I decided why not. When walking back to the barbeque everything seems odder and akwarder. Like the spotlights on me and everyone is laughing.

We join a barbeques table and attempt to steal alcohol. We fail, but paranoia didn't strike me at the time. The man that caught us was nice and I could feel his kindness and realized he was a kid too and had fun. After getting kicked out we went to b's house. His room is a very good environment. His room is the attic, his ceiling is low, and his mom is very cool about what we are doing. We all sit and try to talk, but not enough words could work themselves out of us to start a conversation. As we all sit in confusion and wondering, I start to get hit hard with bomb ass visuals.

I kick back on b's bed and look at his ceiling. The green chunks in the ceiling flow like water in a river and move so fluently and gracefully. As I stare up for a good 5 minutes, I only see green traces moving swiftly. The sound is not my friends, I start to realize. Instead, its a peaceful sound as if I were on a beach. Seagulls in a distance to the sound of waves hitting each other on an open surface of water. I stand up, appalled at trippy visuals, yet not expressing my fear.

One friend soon suggests we put on the doors. I thought it would be dull and boring, but it was actually very trippy. The sound of jim morrisons voice stood on a pedal stool while I looked up from 500 feet down, learning and learning from the words he spat out. When light my fires keyboard solo approached, everything was dead silent and black. I yelled 'Hello', I got nothing. I stood up, tapped on z's shoulder and he turned on the light. Wow, intense.

About 4 and a half hours into it and I am peaking. Wow! am I peaking. As I move my head I see traces and traces galore. I talk to b's little brother as he's watching conan o brien. Some weird guys on and is talking in this eccentric and obnoxious voice while being dragged offstage. I cannot hold it in any longer. I burst out a laughter and cannot stop. Everyone hears me, sees what's on and laughs with me. I study everyone's amusement, everyone looks like a silly clown with different silly expressions. Everything is moving swiftly. Everything.
I burst out a laughter and cannot stop. Everyone hears me, sees what's on and laughs with me. I study everyone's amusement, everyone looks like a silly clown with different silly expressions. Everything is moving swiftly. Everything.

I go outside and it is about 30 degrees and strongly humid. For some reason I look at the grass. It all intervenes together, like a pattern. Then I realized, there are patterns in everything. I look to my right, b's standing by me on the patio watching the grass's beauty. When I go back inside I look at my phone messages. S has called me several times. I call him back, he tells me to come over hes having a very bad trip. Me and two others get bundled up and walk about a mile and a half to s's. We all talk about acids great effects and a culture that was constantly on acid.

We all get to s's house, and smoke a cigarette on his picnic table. B spots a possum. It looks beautiful and bright, but as b got closer to inspect it the fucker hissed at him. I then saw past his innocent beauty and saw clearer it was a deranged rabid son of a bitch possum. After that we go inside s's and he seems to want us to stay with him because he is bored, although we all knew he was just scared to have a bad trip again and he wanted people around. We say fuck that, but in a more courteous manner and walk out of his house. As soon I open the door I see a firetruck pass his street with sounds of urgency coming out of the truck. I get some strange vibe everyone at b's house did something bad. I then realized n called several times on my cell phone. We headed back to b's house. On the way back, we managed to receive alcohol and lots of it. Wow, I call n back to realize they were ok and him and d were just bored.

As we get back its been about roughly 10 hours. 5 in the morning, our bodies all drained as we lay on b's carpet talking. An hour of waiting and we all decide to go back to s's. 7am and all 5 of us reassemble, talking about how crazy everything was. Everyone tired and drained, especially drained. I head to my house at 8, still feeling awkward and unusual. That next day I had the worst day ever. Drained all day, not hungry at all, can't grip on reality, and mild paranoia.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60415
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2022Views: 387
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LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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