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A 0.5 Oz Shot to the Head
Citation:   blowgun. "A 0.5 Oz Shot to the Head: An Experience with Cannabis (exp60420)". Nov 7, 2009.

.5 oz smoked Cannabis (fresh)
I would like everyone to keep in mind before reading this, that prior to experimenting with this 1/2 oz blunt between my buddy and I we were clean for roughly a month. Before we would smoke bud at least twice a day, and had been for the last 2-3 years. Despite the avid smokers we were, quitting for a month fully wasnt as hard as it seemed. We kept occupied with alchohol (which when intoxicated sometimes made it even worse not to smoke) and other minor substances. The first week of not smoking was the hardest, but when kept occupied we managed.

The initial goal my buddy and I had agreed to accomplish was to see if lowering your tollerance by being clean for a month, then smoking an assload of pot would infact produce visuals and bring an intense mind altering state (which we read off a report by Terance Mckenna). So our journey began. We spent the month of not smoking by gathering up a great accumilation of different name brand buds. We were determined to find only the best to celebrate the month long 'fast'. Over the course of the 30 days we got 5 differnt strands making up the 1/2 oz: Northern lights haze, california orange, white widow, purple urple, and an unknown brand of sativa that arguably was the most visibly potent out of the bunch (white widow came in a close second). These were bomb and after gathering them the temptation not to pull of a little bud and light up would of been impossible without the support of my fellow friend who would be experiancing this with me in the end.

By the end of the month, as much of a die hard stoner I may sound like, it took me multiple shots of vodka to put me to sleep out of the excitement I was going to endure. We set the date to light up on a Saturday afternoon/evening so we could have a day to prepare and make sure all the settings were perfect.

Saturday Morning: 7:35AM: My friend and I wake up early to start out the most waited rolling of the joint. My friend pulled out his large blunt wraps, unflavored. He pasted 5 of them together with his saliva and promptly laid them out on the desk. Now for the good stuff. I pulled out an old shoe box from my closet containing pure enjoyment. 5 plump ziploc bags were emptied onto the table, colors ranging from deep sparkly green, to a light purple, and an almost fluorecent reddish brown. All were surpisingly still in their full bud form with a little shake at the bottoms of the bag.

When all were opened and placed in the center of the desk mulitple pictures were taken and the aroma filling the air perfectly described the bud: astonishingly dank! My friend pulled out an unused coffee bean grinder and away we went. We put about half the bud in the grinder and gave it a quick three tap blend (coffee grinders are very powerful and any excess grinding pass three presses bruises the THC). We emptied the ground bud onto the wraps and procedeed with the other half. After all the bud was nicely ground up a rather large amount of THC crystals had developed on the outer edges of the blender. Taking a piece of paper and filing it all into one mound did the job, and then we lined the whole mound of THC in the middle of the blunt, followed by the weed.

My friend is a absolute pro roller and it took him but 5 minutes to roll this, followed with a cardboard clutch in the end. Our masterpiece was complete. It was buitiful, large at the end, followed by an even larger mound in the middle, slightly narrowing down to the clutch. At my friends camp house in the woods he has a movie theatre room that is blocked off completly of any windows, so no form of light can enter. A perfect room to enjoy the blunt and let the sheer blackness of the room create its visuals (if the awaited effect is true).

11:45: We had only water in the morning, going against our routine coffee binges that always take place Saturday mornings. We wanted to keep our entire system clean of any other body/mind altering substances throught the day. We ate no breakfast due to the joint rolling, and had a minor lunch of blended up apples/oranges/banannas/ fresh pineapple/ and strawberries.

2:00: We passed the time by planning out the night with music that must be listened to, food that must be eaten, and activities that were to take place during the high. After holding back to eating any of our favorite foods, or even listening to any music (to hopefully somehow save up all the greatness for the high) we played multiple card games and took a refreshing walk through the woods contemplating the greatly awaited high. The feelings going through me were like counting down to going to a heaven. Not a moment passed that Saturday when I couldnt contain myself from constantly smiling and doing random outbursts of joyous laughs.

4:20 (on the spot): We counted down on my digital wrist watch in his black movie room for the light of the blunt. Both using a lighter we got a nice deep cherry started. We started off by both taking huge drags and passing it, but after about what seemed to be 10 minutes of this we just took small hits. I would toke a few deep drags, then pass it to him in which he would do the same. We decided not to talk throughout the smoking process in the room to keep the meditative vibe of quiet blackness constant. The effects hit me almost instantly after the first few pulls. A light tingly sensation throught my body signaled that I was in for an experiance. The mixture of the 5 weeds was almost overpowering at first (also for the fact that I hadent smoked in a month) and I felt very light headed the first 10 minutes. Over the period of the blunt things really got wild. I would see the cherry of the blunt as my friend smoked it and nothing but the cherry. The cherry slowly developed a faint set of eyes that I kept on focusing on, but couldnt figure out.

I unconsiously kept thinking their were eyes on the blunt, but never took it into consideration. We just kept smoking. It seemed as though an hour passed, and we still had roughly half the blunt to go. My mind is racing by now. I feel relaxed to the point of not moving a muscle, but my friend and I almost created a routine motion of me take a toke, then him take a toke. Their was a point when I convinced myself that I wasnt smoking it and I thought their was a bad passage in the blunt, but then figured out I was so high that I had to take a 6 second straight drag to feel the burn, I continued taking small pulls after that trusting myself that I was pulling it each time. After what seemed to be 30 minutes later I got a little nervous of the pitch blackness. I wanted to see things, but I had to just relax and let myself attempt to find out what my initial goal was: visual hellucinations.

The last half of the blunt was definetly the edge of the glass for me. When I started taking pulls it began hitting me in very defined levels (most likely due to the resinous build up near the end - very potent!) After we managed to finish the blunt the effects continued to duplicate and things were amazing in the dark. Once I actually layed back and closed my eyes I slowely began viusalizing myself sitting in a chair going into space. I sat back and the blackness ran over my like water. I was going full force into space and stars began emerging in the blackness. It was hard to beleive myself that I wasnt just mentally making this up (beucase nothing like this has EVER happened on a marijuana high to me). My face felt cold and I knew I wasnt just trying to make this up when I sat up in my seat and felt like I was falling down in space and I could see rocks on the sides of the room going in upward motions. I quickly sat back and continued on my space journey.

I began hearing deep 'whoosh' sounds that came from the back of my head, and then slowly emerged around my ears and in then continued in the distance. A very deep and very realistic floating sensation roared over me and I was 100% convinced that somehow we hottboxed the room so much that it was being lifted off the ground into space. I was very nervous becuase I knew it wouldnt be good to be lost in space, and someone was going to find the missing room and wonder where we were. When I was aware of my extreme paranoia thoughts, I fully let them go and with no doubt was lifted into a new realm. I felt like I could communicate with the nods of my head. I would see things and if I nodded my head against the head rest once I would want to continue with my space journey to find new things, but If what i saw/felt/heard was appealing to me I would nod my head twice, sometimes with a turn to the left or right (depending on certain specifics about the sense) and I would continue to venture into the the specific detail. It was almost too much at points when I would continue to see random specific details of the visuals. But I constantly assured myself it was just the high. The best way to describe the physical feeling of the high would be to relate it to getting into a hottub when its cold outside. A very strong rush of releif/ euphoria/ and warm comfort continued to strike my body. In very defined waves it would continue to set my body free from reality. Every wave I felt I mentally came lifted into a new sense of the high, which was most amazing about the whole high/trip. It wasnt like most highs where after you smoked, the peak would be in the next 10-20 minutes, and then you would slowely go down. This was consistantly reaching higher and higher peaks bringing me deeper into almost an outside world. I came very comfortable and unverbally social with the surrounding blackness. I full frontedly forgot about my friend in the other seat, but he was definetly higher than anything comprehendable becuase throughout the experiance he would pound the backs of his feet on the recliners as though it was a way of communicating, with different strengths and motions. Once or twice I pounded my feet on the recliner back to him mirroring the rhythm he did. Hearing and feeling the pounds on the backs of my feet were literally undescribeable because It was like I was almost in a trance communicating through pounds, not even being aware of the fact that I was doing it. I set a beeper on my watch to go off at 7:00 (2 hours and 40 minutes after the first toke). When it did go off I was terribly scared thinking it was a bomb of some sort that got left in the room, but almost instantly after remembered it was just my watch.

I spoke out the first words after to my friend, 'holy shit'. Not getting an immediate response I stood up and opened the door just a crack letting in minimal light and noticably cold air (the air in the room was very hot and thick.) I then threw the door open feeling like simba off the lion king when he was held in the air off the cliff. I felt so refreshed by the light and fresh air that I fell down to my knees, rolled over and began laughing past control. When my friend got up he must of not seen me and tripped over with a unusal shriek and then started laughing with me on the ground.

7:15: After a period of time, we didnt get far from the room. We laid on the floor massaging the thick carpet and noticing the ununsual shapes of light and smoke billowing out of the room. We were blazed past our minds and completly forgot about our appetites (that we saved up throughout the whole day) and the activites we had planned. We would talk to each other in unusal tones, and completly change the subject every 10 seconds to something completly farfetched. Every one of my senses was very heightened.

9:30 After hours of deep and very rewarding and spirtual conversation and more hallucinations (mainly minor closed eye) we began gaining back to our selves. We both remembered food after the extreme effects declined and we ate 2 boxes of Chocolate chip granola bars, 2 bags of sunchips, and plenty of costco muffins washed down with no fear energy drink.

11:30 Still disorianted we were near the end of the high. We both recouped with more convorsation and then both endulged in multiple nintendo games, transitioning between halo 2 on the xbox360, and Mario party on the gamecube, then we had the best damn sleep of our lives.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60420
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2009Views: 11,585
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Cannabis (1), Mindfulness (405) : Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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