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My Two Weeks
Citation:   Permameth. "My Two Weeks: An Experience with Ketamine (exp60530)". Feb 27, 2018.

  repeated IV Ketamine (liquid)
This started suddenly. I have done ketamine as well as most every drug there is but I never injected Ketamine. In fact, I haden't had an experience with the substance in years. Then my friend knew a girl making the stuff. She was some chemical engineer or something. I got 200mg's the first time and injected(I.V.) about 20mg's. I felt nice to say the least. I hadn't done this substance in a long time. Needless to say 45 minutes later I wanted more. I doubled the dose before but it wasn't as good. I then a half hour later took about 100mg's and did that. WOW! Another level all together. I was hit hard, feeling numb and out of place. It was a definate K-hole but it didn't freak me out since I've had them before when I sniffed the stuff. About an hour later I finished what was left and felt the bang again since the last had not yet subsided. I was in this behavior mold for a couple weeks and then one night he gave me a deal on a gram of the stuff. So I bought it and went home. I took about 200mg's and put it in the rig. I hit it and damn I couldn't move. Reality faded away quickly and it started reminding me of Salvia. I could remember Salvia but I couldn't remember who I was. I sat there and came up with all sorts of brilliant ideas and notions just to forget them when I sobered up. This really doesn't matter in the long run since I doubt there was even one sane thought happening. After this night of no-remeberance I haven't done it since. All I know is that at I.V. level this stuff is no joke. It was a play thing at the sniffing level but this chemical needs it's respect.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60530
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 1,296
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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