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Citation:   Tryphen. "2C-Incredible: An Experience with 2C-I (exp60589)". Mar 28, 2007.

  oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
The first time I did 2c-i was mixing it in a shot glass of water and drinking it. I then went with some friends for what would turn out to be one of the most memorable days of my life. A true plus 4 experience.

At first we just hung out at my friends house and listened to music, I did not notice any effects yet really. We decided to walk to a fast-food place and get something to eat, and on the way there is when I noticed the changes first. Cartooning is the word I use for it. Everything still has the basic shape and form as it would in an unaltered state of consciousness, but it seems as if someone has replaced the color scheme of reality with a color scheme of a 90's cartoon. This cartooning is pleasant to me, and I figure that the entire trip will be mostly visual alterations. Boy was I wrong!

Anyways I ate the food we ordered inside the restaurant but then I got nervous that people could tell I was high so I left and my friends came with me. Walking back to my friends house everything was majorly cartooning and I started to get the first bit nervous that maybe this trip might have more left to it. We got back to my friends house and the music was turned on, the music blew me away! I had heard this song before but never had it sounded near as wonderful as this! Music really sounded infinitely better!

The mental part of the trip really started to set in now. My friends decided to play some video games on the television, but I just laid down and watched. Mentally it was indescribable but I will do my best to try and explain. My parents had divorced and my dad was going out with a girlfriend who later became his wife. When I was in a normal state this didn't bother me, but now that I was high I was realizing just how much it mattered to me. I was having revelations left and right about all the aspects of my life and what I had to do to make things right again. The revelations focused on my family life but they covered pretty much every part of my life, switching from topic to topic in literal bursts of revelations, not aided by myself focusing on a specific topic but switching randomly back and forth between this and that in such a rapid and clear fashion that I got mentally dizzy from it. It was as if someone had taken a firework show, made it into a mental object, and set it off in my head. One moment a burst of revelation would set in about one aspect of my life and the next moment, just as the first revelation bloomed into full beauty and started to fade, a second one would blast off overshadowing the beauty and purity of the first but being itself beautiful and pure. This went on for what seemed like an eternity but I can not even guess at how long it lasted for.

As the 'mental fireworks' started to not be as intense I suddenly got a strong urge to communicate. I informed my friend that I needed to hold his cell phone and he was nice enough to let me. Just holding the cell phone and knowing that I could be connected to anyone else in the entire world with a cell phone gave me an overwhelming feeling of belonging to the human race. I was a mere individual, but I was part of and could communicate with the entire group of individuals that had cell phones if I wanted to, and this meant I was more than an individual I was part of an enormous group of people. The theme of interconnection between me and the world lasted for a good part of the trip, when my friend tried to take his phone back I begged him to let me keep it for the night and he reluctantly agreed to.

After my friends stopped playing video games we went back downstairs to my friends bedroom and the music was still fascinating to me. I got the urge to learn about peoples history and be told stories about them so I could figure out how all of our individual paths crossed in the universe.... forming a sort of three dimensional network where each line in the object represented an individuals path and it was interwoven into it...crossing paths with everyone else that formed the object.

I asked questions about my friends older brother who had been sort of an idle to me in the past but who was unfortunately locked up in a rehabilitation center. My friend gave me a breif description of his brothers’ life and although I am sure it was a very basic description I felt as if I had total insight into his life. I felt a wave of empathy for him and everything he had been through. True empathy at that, I honestly felt his pain and shared his joy, based only on a short biography that his brother rattled off in a matter of minutes.

Anyways I started to feel sort of sick and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the toilet with my head in my hands trying to comprehend what was happening to me. I looked at the patterning on the walls and it was rapidly moving and transforming into symbols which I imagined was an ancient Indian language for some reason. I realized that I had been too preoccupied with what was inside my head to realize that the visuals were intense!

Thankfully I did not vomit and left the bathroom. My friends had called up some girls while I was in the bathroom and we were going to go to a movie together in about an hour. We decided to go to my other friends’ house so he could shower and get ready.

My second friends dad and step mom speak Spanish with each other and I kept hearing them. It was freaking me out that they were communicating and I was unable to understand them. The feeling of not being able to fully communicate, to not be able to fully connect with these people in the same house as me filled me with sadness. I went to another room so I couldn't hear them anymore, and immediately cheered up.

My friends kept talking and I was hardly listening, but I did hear them talk about one of the girls that was picking us up (I at the time did not know who they were talking about). They mentioned she was beautiful and how much everyone wanted to get with her, but that she would never have sex with anyone so it was a waste of time.

The girls picked us up shortly after this. We had driven for about ten minutes when introductions were made. Upon being introduced to the girl they were talking about, I asked (In my intoxicated state) if this was the girl that everyone wanted to get with but who wouldn't have sex with anyone? After an initial grunt of shock we rode the rest of the way in silence. I got elbowed rather hard in the side several times however.

Anyways we got to the theatre and watched some movie, I was paying more attention to the way the light reflected off the droplets of water inside my straw than the actual movie. My high quickly wore off and by the end of the movie I was near baseline, and utterly exhausted.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 60589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2007Views: 12,063
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Relationships (44), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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