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Hello I Am Here, How Are You?
Citation:   tryphen. "Hello I Am Here, How Are You?: An Experience with 2C-T-21 (exp60808)". Sep 14, 2007.

11 mg oral 2C-T-21
I tend to take a substance tens of times before I write a trip report on it, but I think after only a few uses I already have the feel for 2c-t-21, and it is pretty much best summed up by saying

“Hello, I am here. Not much going on, how about you?”

That is pretty much what 2c-t-21 “says” to me when I take it. No great insights to speak of, hardly any psychedelic effects other than a very mild brightening of colors, headspace is pretty much everyday reality with a slight shift to the paranormal but nothing with much personality like other 2c-X chemicals. Stimulation is the most noted effect I have thus far discovered, and even it is mild. It isn’t a

“clean your house and count your tooth picks” stimulation, such as meth.

It is more of a

“Hey don’t go to sleep asshole, you have guests in your body and we are not going to leave for another seven hours!”

Not really a

“You want to sleep but can’t sleep”

Stimulation, more of a

“you might be able to get to sleep but probably not, and why would you go to sleep anyways?”


Sort of a stoned feeling I guess but I imagine I could still get around to stuff. Stimulating as in I don’t particularly want to sleep, stoned as in even though I can’t sleep I am not particularly driven to do anything. Music sounds about the same as ever, perhaps a bit clearer? Taste seems about average. Touch feels softer but it sure isn’t blowing me away.

Nice compound and worth a try but it is far from my favorite phenethylamine. I think this substance would do well with a person who has never tried a 2c-X compound before, provided they don’t take a lot of it as I hear in higher doses it can be a bit more pushy.

I will do it again I am sure. I think it would be a great drug to take for a relaxed yet stimulated sexual experience with ones significant other (although maybe only morning sex as sleep will no be easy.) Also a great drug for school or something, eye dilation didn’t seem to be a big thing for me. Although my eyes are perma-dilated (I have big pupils naturally), and I have not used this enough to look at my eyes in the mirror frequently in order to remember eye dilation as being particularly bad or not so bad. But I don’t recall it as being very bad at all. If my eyes are dilated I want to know why because the visuals are next to non existent =P.

It is worth noting that I have been pretty much abusing psychedelic phenethylamines for the past week, 2c-t-2 every other day, 2c-e once or twice and 2c-X in the morning, so I am sure I have some (probably large) degree of tolerance.

For all I know if I stay week for two weeks and try this again it will be much different. But some part of me doubts it for some reason.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60808
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2007Views: 9,125
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2C-T-21 (290) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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