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Fun and Simple Euphoria
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Norwegianwood. "Fun and Simple Euphoria: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp60810)". Jul 21, 2009.

2 hits inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Around 12:40AM, I was puttering about my kitchen, and, after reading about Nitrous, decided to inhale the air out of two whipped cream canisters. I sucked in as much as I could from the first canister and held my breath as long as possible. I breathed out and immediately felt giddy. My mind was fairly clear, I could easily think. My body felt sort of drunk, I was stumbling, and I found this very amusing. Talking to a friend online, typing was very difficult because my fingers kept hitting the wrong keys.

I breathed in some more Nitrous from the other can, and this is when the strongest effects started. My body and lips instantly felt tingly and numb. I was once again stumbling. I felt completely Euphoric and laughed at everything. Everything my friend said I thought was hilarious. When he said things that normally would make me concerned, I was able to respond normally and express concern, but in reality I was laughing uncontrollably. Hence the name, Laughing Gas.

The numbness went away within a couple minutes, much sooner than I wanted it to. Unfortunately I was out of Nitrous. I can see the addictive potential of the drug, the high is short and very nice and I definitley want more soon after. I felt euphoric and giddy for about twenty minutes after, and then I felt a sort of hangover. My head felt very heavy and it was hard to hold it up. I felt very slow and typing was difficult. I no longer felt euphoric, but I didn't feel bad, the hangover was actually a bit enjoyable.

As I type this the next morning, I have a light headache, but no other problems. I'm glad I tried Nitrous and I'll do it again, but with caution to avoid addiction.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60810
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2009Views: 17,436
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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