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Learning to Overcome the Numbess to Life
Citation:   Bestieverdid. "Learning to Overcome the Numbess to Life: An Experience with Sertraline (exp60841)". Erowid.org. Jul 23, 2009. erowid.org/exp/60841

50 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
I began taking Sertraline about 4 years ago, maybe longer since it seems like I've been on it forever. I have depression, anxiety, and panic attacks so my doctor initially began me on Lexapro, which only made me nauseous so he switched me to Sertraline (Zoloft) 50 mg daily. I went from feeling depressed to feeling nothing at all, which became worse than feeling emotional pain. It also killed my libido and motivational drive. I had to relearn emotions since they did not come naturally anymore.

Now, I am at a point where I can feel emotions. It has been about four years or so, and sometimes, I still feel depressed. I have learned to control my panic attacks on my own, though. My sex drive comes and goes.

I've also had to be careful about alcohol. I can't start out with hard liquor too fast or else I will crash and become an emotional mess. I've never known the feeling of being drunk without being on Setraline so I don't know if what I experience is normal. It is normal for me. I have to be even more careful than other people with alcohol because it can make me euphoric or it can make me crash.

And another thing: I love Hydrocodone (Vicodin)for it's ability to ease my back pain. I only take it on a rare occasion, though, and only take half a pill. I haven't had any adverse affects with take them both together. Vicodin does make me feel like I am drunk with lightheadedness, dizziness, and general lack of coordination.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 60841
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2009Views: 16,527
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Pharms - Sertraline (88) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Sex Discussion (14), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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