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Depeche Mode: Speed & Studying
Citation:   Shaggy. "Depeche Mode: Speed & Studying: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp6089)". Feb 10, 2002.

T+ 0:00
3 lines insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:00 2 lines insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 1 line insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)

The pre-ramble:

Though back in my clubbing days, I was no stranger to a smoking a little crystal meth to get a good vibe going, I had never been attracted to speed. Lately I changed my mind, let me make it clear that cannabis has always been a good friend to me, however lately it had been putting me to sleep. I wanted something that made it easier to concentrate not ponder nothing thoughts to come to the conclusion 'well let's smoke another bowl'.
Due to a massive amount of studying demanded in a minimal amount of time, my energy being non-existent and the 'for the hell of it' factor, I decided to buy a gram of speed.

Study date:

The granules were large and had to be chopped into snortable form with a bank card. After a rolled up dollar bill aiding in the snortage of three fat lines. I decided to hit the books.

Political Science, several chapters of. Speed and concentration I found worked very co-operatively together. Listening to music, I bounced up and down (movement was to nice to resist) while I read and made notes. This went on undisturbed for several hours. Stupidly I thought I could crash early (around 3 to get those oh so important hours of rest before the exam). I hadn't planned on staying up all night, but I found myself unable to think of sleeping.

Day 1: another two lines in the morning

Morning came nicely, I sat in bed thinking...trying to the body and still the mind. Which is as close to sleep as I could give myself. No appetite plagued me, tried to eat some protein for the sake of not comming down too harsh when I did.

Snorted a bit more the morning of the exam, and went off thinking 'what a beautiful morning'. And enjoyed a full day, including a lot of physical exertion running about and getting things done like it was my last day on earth. Successful day, that night it was a little hard to get to sleep but when I finally did it was light, and I woke up at 5am the next morning raring at the day.

Day 2: cut off

Running around thinking I could pull another hyper active day without snorting any more (though I had a lot left I cut myself off).
Later that morning I decided that I was flustered and too moody to subject anyone to myself. So I stayed in my PJ's, cancelled all my meetings for that day, and spent the day laying in bed, watching TV, eating a bit, and relaxing. I took a 'come down' day afer a speedy day.

Day 3: 2nd day cut off not winning any congeniality awards

Moody. That just about sums it up. A little bit of concentration problems, wandered away several times while writing this. Snorting some more is tempting, but not being able to sleep at night is not cool unless I have something good to do. Personally I don't think I'd do speed at a party or club. I was too straight, the physical was there, but not in a creative happy way, more in a: this is what you have to do, and this is how you do it way. Robotic and computer like, feelingless. E is so much more sociable and lovey, my drug of choice for going out. Though I am not an agressive person, I felt that on speed I could become hostile.

All in all:

I found it a positive, empowering experience. The energy felt good and gave me the courage I needed to get through. Though the come down is so bumpy, up and down, snapping at people and feeling frustrated. Not nice at all.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2002Views: 35,316
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Methamphetamine (37) : Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), General (1), Multi-Day Experience (13), Various (28)

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