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Nothing Unusual, Just A Blue Sun
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue & Flying Saucers)
Citation:   MunkyJuce69. "Nothing Unusual, Just A Blue Sun: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue & Flying Saucers) (exp60972)". Jun 6, 2007.

42.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Here's a biggie, but very juicy in details. I have done morning Glories many times. My friend was a newb, only having done marijuana and alcohol, so I decided to prank him after he wanted to try LSD but couldn't get any by giving him a first time dose of 400 seeds. Bad move. I thought he had small packs with 5-10 seeds apiece, so I tell him about 35 packs will be enough. Only not till I get home I realize each pack contained 65 seeds.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

So I start backing out straight, and they yelling STOP! STOP!! And I'm like chill man! Then I hear a THUNK! And look behind me and saw I hit they're fence, meaning that rather than backing out directly straight, I went at about a 90 degree. And it was at about 30mph when I thought I was going 5. So we chill a little longer and half an hour later (11:45PM) I slowly back out again, this time to success. overall I was alright, I just drove slightly off the rode once.

When we got back (me and the 2 watchers) at 12:12 AM, I went directly to lay down on the bed. The ceiling was spinning and the popcorn paint was dancing and popping around. Television screens and monitors flashed a lot and had lines running through them, and my body felt like it was 3000pounds yet weightless. Soon enough I passed out and had weird ass dreams I can hardly remember.

Overall, it was pretty fun. I tripped incredibly hard, and it's a damn good thing I had watchers. The next day I had a small hangover from when I woke up at 9AM to about 11AM, and sporadically saw light flashes and colors for about a week after. Also I couldn't shit for 2 days then it was massive diarreah that was hard to get out.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60972
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2007Views: 9,568
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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