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I Was IT
by Pj
Citation:   Pj. "I Was IT: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp61052)". Nov 14, 2022.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
    bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Amazing Trip

Me and my friend P decided to shroom last Saturday night. We wanted to get an 1/8th for each of us, but we didn’t have enough money so we bought an 1/8th and split it. We stopped at 7-11 and bought orange juice and trollis. We went to his house around 10. We split up the 1/8. We ate them plain held them in out mouth and washed them down with orange juice. The taste isn’t bad at all, kind of like stale popcorn. Went down easy. We watch jackass until we started to feel them.

We ate them at 10:30, I started feeling the effects about 15-20 min later. Kind of a stoned feeling but much better. P’s room is probably one of the best places to shroom. His room ceiling is on a point with flat top. He has two black lights and the ceiling and the walls have neon green, bright orange, purple and blue paint splatters all around and with the black light on its really sick. When we started to feel them kick in with the stoning feeling, we went in his sister’s room to get her Ipod. We put on some pink Floyd and turned off the TV and laid on his bed and chair with the black light on just starting at the ceiling with the paint splatter everywhere.

Things started to get more intense and colors were amazing they were so bright and perfect. We continued to stare at the ceiling. The walls were waving, looking like beach waves where going through them. The paint was 3d and looked as if I was going through a star field (like the windows screen saver). A light field of all different colors. They started swirling and I was having thoughts and being in the middle of space. I snapped back and looked at the wall still being 3d with the paint. All the paint colors started to melt down the wall. Then I'd concentrate more and go back into the space field. We did this for about 45 min, and just laughed our asses off the whole time.

I got up, the carpet floor looked so colorful and I could see it in so much detail. I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror cuz that is super trippy. I concentrated and my face was forming in so many different ways. It would get really small then my eyes would get really far apart. Then get bigger. My face then went into many different squares and turned black and look really evil then came back normal. I did this for which seemed and hour, but it was like 5 min. We then switch positions and I sat in the chair. I had the urge it jump into the chair because it looked so comfortable. I jump and it felt like I'd go into the chair. We stared at the ceiling some more which was just like a light show. P was still laughing his ass off. Haha.

I decide to go to the basement by myself to download Venus in furs. Which is probably the trippiest song when shrooming. The stairs seemed like forever to walk down. I got to the computer chair and looked around. The walls were moving like crazy. I tried to get it on the itunes visualizer which was almost impossible. I was too fucked and didn’t know what I was doing really. I saw the mouse move off the screen in segments. Weird. So then I gave up and just listened to the song on limewire. Basically the whole time I was down there I heard P laughing his ass off upstairs.

Somebody starting walking down the stairs; of course, I thought it was P cause we were the only ones home at the time. The person I thought was P had spandex capries on and long hair so I thought P had dressed up and put on a wig in his room and came down to show me. The basement was dark so I thought it was P the whole time and I was laughing until he was close to me. He got closer and I could see the face it wasn't P. It was his sister, only his sister looked exactly like an ogre to me with warts and brown teeth. My face dropped and I got the shivers, I turned to the screen and try to forget about it. She then started talking and I realized it was P’s sister. I was relieved and she was talking to me for a while.

I went back upstairs to see what P was doing, I got a fruit by the foot on the way. It seemed as if I was climbing up a mountain when I went upstairs. I got up there and P’s sister was there and this other guy. I laid on the bed while we talked. I tried to open my fruit by the foot. I seriously seemed like it took me 30 min to open it, it was so hard. When I got it opened, I ate some and the rest got wrapped around my hand. I was having very fucked up weird thoughts by this time. The colors got more amazing in his room. The fruit by the foot was still on my hand and I eat a little of every so often. I thought my whole hand was a fruit by the foot and I was just eating my hand away. It was super cool.

I look over at P and he was lying back in the chair, I though his face was just melting away into the chair and same with his hand on the hand rest. I took some more bites off my hand laid on the bed and watch the ceiling while everybody was talking, I couldn't really pay attention because with the thoughts and my hand and colors and melting, I was just looking around. We switched songs and I sat in the chair I thought I had melted in the chair and I couldn't get off. I was part of the chair and I was fine with that. I ate my hand a little bit more. When I was chewing, I can't explain how the chewing feels but its crazy. I thought I had no lips and just my jaw was chewing.

I thought I was peaking but I had no idea what the shrooms had left. I was having so much fun with my fruit hand and everything. I ended up back on the bed and me P and his sister and friend smoked about 2 bowls. They left and it was me and P listening to some music. I got up to go to the bathroom. I did the mirror thing again, and it seriously was 3x as intense as the last time. I didn’t look like myself I kept seeing the boxes and my face turned super evil and crazy shit. I had to take a poo. When I sat down I thought I instantly melted into the seat. I couldn’t tell if poo was coming out or not it was really weird.

I went back in P’s room. I laid on the bed and that’s when I think I peaked. This part was so intense and I can't even explain in great detail because its too fucked up. As I was laying on his bed the wave of energy went through me. Moving my arms around felt like I was lifting and dragging tons of nails, freezing cold nails scrapping against the bed. I couldn’t move I was stuck to the bed. I lost touch with reality. I didn’t know what a human was, I didn’t really know what life meant. I was pretty freaked out at first, but then I realized I was so free. I was IT.
I lost touch with reality. I didn’t know what a human was, I didn’t really know what life meant. I was pretty freaked out at first, but then I realized I was so free. I was IT.
That’s what I was, I was an IT, and I was no where. I was it and I was floating in space. I didn’t need to worry bout anything. I didn’t know what anything meant. I was IT, that’s all I kept thinking.

The only thing I need to do was keep my body, even thought I wasn’t quite sure what that was, alive. I thought breathing took 20 steps to accomplish and it was a conveyer belt with little things the help it work. I thought I was forgetting how to breathe, Like I forget how to do problems on a math test. I couldn’t remember. Through this whole time I had really crazy eye closed kaleidoscope images. They weren’t just colors and shapes, they where mirror and spoons and wooden horses and just random things all around forming together like a kaleidoscope image it was really crazy.

I kept looking at the clock, I had thought an hour had past, but really it was only a minute. That went on for a while. I still didn’t know where I was, I was still just an IT floating in space. My mind was racing. Moving my arm was task. My lips felt huge and felt like my tongue and lips and teeth were just all melting together. My hand was so heavy and when I put it on my face it felt like a huge sticky hand that stuck there and melted into my face. And I still didn’t know how to breath. And I was trying so hard to figure it out. P ask me to get up and go down stairs with him. I wasn’t quite sure what he was asking me but I got up even though that felt impossible. I stepped on the floor and I thought I was walking in 5 ft of mud and it was really hard. I felt like I was a bunch of nails jingling up and down when I was walking. Going downstairs, closed eye images were still super intense.

I didn’t know where I was but I was ok with that. I saw my car, but I didn’t really know who P was. We went back upstairs. And I laid back in bed. I felt stuck again and all the same stuff from before happened. I was forgetting how to breath and move. But I kept trying to hang on. My friend S call. It was good to hear his voice. I don’t remember what we talked about though. I was still nothing and I was nowhere but I was telling myself to call people. I call my friend C and I forgot what we talk about again.

Still! I didn’t remember how to breath and it was my quest to find out in time before I pasted away. Need to ask someone. The only way I could live is if I found out the corrected way of breathing. I call this girl C and was talking to her about it. She was really easy to talk to and it was my quest to have her with me to teach me everything. I needed to tell her told her directions to the kids house, so she can come with me to wherever I was in space. I don’t really remember anything after. I finally snapped back to reality after about 30 min. That 30 min. felt like a lifetime. I was pretty relieved.

We sat in his room and talk about life and stuff and trollis of course. The light show was still intense and 3D and moving. The floor and everything was breathing. P’s face was forming back and forth to different things. I thought the whole chair was snake skin and P’s skin was snakeskin. Colors were still amazing and we just enjoyed the room. I can't remember greatly everything else. We watch some TV, smoked another bowl and went to bed around 4:30.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2022Views: 487
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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