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Glorious Nights
Morning Glory Seeds & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Krendle. "Glorious Nights: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds & Nitrous Oxide (exp6108)". Feb 8, 2002.

  oral Morning Glory (seeds)
This report is more of a glance back on the times I have taken Morning Glories, about 5 times now. Some trips have been successful, others worthless, most uncomfortable at one point or another. Most of the trouble comes from my inexperience with them, so I am working throught the trials. I feel these seeds have great potential.

The first time I dosed was largely a mistake. I had gotten 10 1.5 gram packages on a Sunday (by the by, all the seeds I have taken have come from the same source and are the same brand) and I was pretty eager to trip. From what I had read 200 seeds was pretty light, so I decided to try 178 (hand counted) at 5 after a light dinner. I ate about 30 seeds at a time, thoroughly chewing and following each nasty mouthful with a big gulp of water. It was stupid, it being a Sunday and all, but I figured the experience would leave room for sleep around midnight or one, when I usually go to sleep anyway. Was I wrong or what...

I remember laying on my couch, watching some tv, waiting for the trip, when I started to notice a twinge in my legs. I didn't really think anything of it but I started to pay more attention to my body and mind. I came to notice that my vision was flickering, not unlike an old movie reel does. That grew in intensity until it was undeniable but not too annoying. This all was about a half hour after ingestion.

I got up to get a drink and my legs jsut about gave out from under me. I had a HORRIBLE pain in my legs, and walking normally was quite difficult. I was a bit scared but I'd read about the vasoconstriction and I had an idea of what to expect. I also had experienced similar pains on amphetamine binges that ultimately turned out all right, so I used that fact to reassure myself.

I retired to my bedroom upstairs and waited for the trip, which came beautifully. I'll keep it short. Basically, enhanced coloring, undulating carpets, breathing walls, silent motion (you know, when things move far away and then back over and over...), trailers, tracers, the whole nine. Intensely mindraped me. Describing it to a friend who has done acid (I haven't) he said it soudned like a 2 blotter trip. Take that as you will, like I said I haven't done it before. This must have been a strong batch of seeds, or the dosing information I read applied to extracts and not the chew-chug method I used. Either way, that was the strongest experience I have had on the beauties.

I must also mention the intense discomfot I experienced on parts of the trip, mainly at the end. I simply could not find a comfortable place to sit, lay or stand. I was constantly moving, looking for that comfortable place, but it wasn't there. Finally I said the hell with it and laid down on my carpet and watched it swim and I just exsisted, my thoughts very disconnected from where I actually was. That is where I was the next morning when I was either awakened or had my attention drawn by the alarm I set every morning. I don't know if I slept, there are a good 4 hours of that night I don't remember. The positives, for me, far outweigh the negatives.

Between that trip and the last one were a few unnotable experiences, much weaker than that first one. I always allowed at least 2 weeks between experiences as is generally recommended, excepet once when I only went 2 days. That is not long enough for the tolerance to abate, fyi, at least it wasn't for me.

My last trip was an eventful one. I took approximately 240 seeds (I have found that every 1.5 gram package I get has around 60 seeds) and settled in for a fun evening. The odd thing about this trip was that I got little of the lag cramping on previous trips, I would say it was about a 1/4 as abd as usual, which was interesting. It did also turn out to be a fairly weak experience on its own. Which brings me to waht I really wanted to talk about-Nitrous Oxide.

I had read in numerous documents and user reports that Nitrous could work wonders on a trip but I was always a little skeptical. This time I was having a pretty uneventful trip, and I had about 4 whipped cream cans in the fridge. 'What the hell?' I said, and I got one. I took all the air off the can in 2 or 3 big inhalations and waited a second. The world slipped into a mass of swirling shapes with colors I have never even experienced before, and my entire body was lost in that Nitrous tingle, which seemed not to be confined to my body but spreading out through infinity. I can truly say I had no body for a minute that night. Next trip I will be ready with a cracker and balloons, to do it right.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6108
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2002Views: 18,039
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Nitrous Oxide (40), Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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