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An Attempt to Smoke It
Citation:   Med Head. "An Attempt to Smoke It: An Experience with Tramadol (exp61106)". Jun 30, 2007.

100 mg smoked Pharms - Tramadol (ground / crushed)
I started taking a lot of tramadol about a week ago when I ordered 90 50mg pills of it on the internet. I love it. They put me in such a good mood and relax me. Unlike opiates, they don't cause me to itch much at all.

I read on the internet earlier today about a biotechnology company that is attempting to create a method to vaporize pain killers in an inhaler-type device to almost instantly relieve pain rather than the user having to wait for 30 minutes to see the effect. I had just bought a vaporizer for smoking tobacco the other day, so this gave me an idea. Maybe I should put my tramadol in the vaporizer and give it a shot.

I tried this around 4:00pm today. I didn't know if it was going to work at all so instead of taking my usual dose (300mg = 6 pills) I used only 2. I crushed them up a bit and put them in.

About 7 minutes later the vaporizer was filled with vapor so I took a hit. I started to cough up a lung because the vapor burned my throat badly and it tasted horrible. Never the less, I kept on puffing and I slowly got somewhat used to it. A few minutes later, when I was almost done inhaling all of the vapor, I started to feel relaxed.

This lasted for about an hour or so. I'm sure if I had used 6 or 8 pills rather than two I would have felt great for a much longer period, but I decided I didn't want to subject myself to that horrible taste again.

All in all it was a good experience learning I could vaporize a pill. I liked getting the effect in 5 minutes rather than the normal hour it takes for tramadol to kick in with me.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61106
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2007Views: 79,258
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : General (1), Alone (16)

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