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True Appreciation
by TD
Citation:   TD. "True Appreciation: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp6114)". Feb 6, 2002.

15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
It was a saturday night and I was feeling like getting high off of something or another, and since the parents were home, i knew that a nice joint or two was out of the question. I recently had gotten into Hydrocodone and Codeine as a nice alternative, so I figured one of those would do me up right. I went to my little pill bottle and looked at the contents. Noting that I had quite a few 7.5mg Hydrocodone tablets, I decided to pop a few. I threw down two of them at 10:20pm, and just waited. I have done Hydrocodone and Codeine(usually 90mg) about 15 times, so I knew just what to expect, except this time was different I knew right away.

I considered it the standard that the mellow buzz would kick in at about 30 minutes, but this time I was surfing the web and at about 20 minutes I all of a sudden felt like I was reclining in my chair like it was an automatic dentist's chair. I was very pleased, so I just sat back and watched the screen saver. I very soon lost all knowledge of my limb's presence and the sore throat I was experiencing was completely gone. At 10:50-11:20 came the peak. It was unlike any opiate experience I have ever had. I got an intense 'strobing' effect in my vision like from pot, but without any paranoia or mind-clouding at all. I certainly wouldn't want to do any important thinking (or driving), but if needed I could confront my parents I think no problem. I felt absolutely perfect and warm, and the good buzz lasted until 12:30am.

The only problem is, you don't come down slow at all you just all of a sudden realize it's gone. Kind of a bummer but well worth it. This is by far one of the great drugs. I see some people on here taking extremely high doses (I've seen 37.5mg and up) and I don't think it is necessary for me at all. 15-20mg is enough to get me feeling great without feeling like a glutton.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6114
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2002Views: 64,558
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Alone (16)

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