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Not Good
Catnip & Tobacco
Citation:   bored. "Not Good: An Experience with Catnip & Tobacco (exp61209)". Oct 9, 2018.

  smoked Catnip
    smoked Tobacco
I found myself home over spring break looking for a fix. My mj provider recently ran in to some legal trouble, and as a result I needed a lift off of home base on a boring monday afternoon. I read some reports about catnip being fun, cheap, and legal so I picked up a little bag from the supermarket for a reasonable price of $1.33.

Anyways, I decided to mix the catnip with equal parts tobacco from a black and mild. I emptied all of the tobacco from the cigar, mixed in the catnip and packed it back into the shell. I went outside, lit up, and smoked the whole thing. When I held hits in for a bit I felt a slight buzz that was somewhere between a nicotine and mj feeling. This feeling subsided shortly after each hit. The smoke was harsh and unappealing causing me to gag a couple of times after big hits.
The smoke was harsh and unappealing causing me to gag a couple of times after big hits.
By the time 3/4 of the cigar was gone I had a nauseated feeling in my stomach and almost no buzz to speak of. I threw the rest out and went inside to sit down and try to feel anything other than nausea and the sweeping heat that I felt all over my body. The nausea and 'hot flash' went away after about a half hour but I did not feel any of the lasting pleasurable effects that I read elsewhere.

I don't smoke tobacco, so that may be the reason for the nausea, but since there was almost no pleasing effect I do not plan on trying this again and I do not recommend it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2018Views: 1,105
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Catnip (68), Tobacco (47) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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