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Please Hallucinations Into Heavy Sedation
Citation:   Chillbert. "Please Hallucinations Into Heavy Sedation: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp6125)". Feb 14, 2002.

10 nuts oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Well, i did it. and it wasn't all that bad! here's how...

--Went to the bulk herb section of the natural grocery
--purchased 10 nuts of whole nutmeg
--considered buying milkthistle and drinking a tea of that too (i hear that Nutmeg is hard on the liver)--but did not.
--crushed the nuts and consumed...(i boiled mine in milk, but i don't think it matters much...just get that pile of gaggy-bitterness down the hatch in some way!)
--i drank the potion at 7 p.m. and began to feel effects approximately five hours later, after eating and smoking some herb. (it tasted awful)
--it was late, i was i feel asleep a few hours later, thiking that nutmeg is an ok buzz...

--i woke up, or rather, came to the next morning, feeling as though someone had slipped me some very heavy sedatives...i was washed out tired and was hallucinating too. I was as dry as the sahara and weak as a kitten.
--at around 11:00 i mustered up the energy to drag my weak self into the bathroom, where I looked at my eyes. They were little slits, all red. I looked like I was half asleep...they communicated my sensations...I was messed up.
--following this I had a burst of energy, made some green tea, and enjoyed the buzz.
--I am still recovering a day and a half later!
-- believe me...if you do this make sure you are not committed to do anything else that weekend...if you are anything like me, you will be transformed into a zombie for at least a day to a day and a half. The hangover is cool, if you dont have to accomplish a single thing...because if you do...the guilt of struggling with the exteme fatigue in order to accomplish things will be a serious bring down. Trip out in a mellow super-weed way, then under heavy sedation, then sleep alot. That's what i did!

(i really want to know more about Nutmeg and Nutmeg Liver, a scary sounding condition)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 29,208
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