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This Friday Night
Citation:   Berts. "This Friday Night: An Experience with GHB (exp6129)". Feb 14, 2002.

2 shots oral GHB (liquid)
Was about to go out with some friends to a club this weekend. We were in the parking lot of the club. My friend had a bottle of G and he knew I have taken it plenty of times. I thought I was big and bad and had built a big tolerance. I took two huge swigs. So we are walking up to the front of the club. I feel so good and horny. My hands got tingly feelings. I drank water inside the club. I was dancing for like 15 minutes, it was probably the best feeling I've had in my entire life. Then after those 15 minutes it was haywire. I had to go take a shit. I was shitting for like 15 minutes. When I came out I could not walk straight. My friend took me out of the club to the car. I puked on the way to the car. I passed out for about an hour and a half. I woke up, I found it pretty hard to breathe and I do not know why , but it was so hard to swallow. I puked more, and my friends told me I was beating the shit outta my chest in my sleep. This was Friday, today is Sunday and I feel awkward and confused. This was the worst experience ever. I found out after it happened my friend got the bottle from a different source than the usual, I was pretty mad. Its all about buying the same stuff all the time, so I know exactly how much to take.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 10,609
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GHB (25) : Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Club / Bar (25)

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