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Disturbingly Entertaining and as Compulsive as Coke
by Ace
Citation:   Ace. "Disturbingly Entertaining and as Compulsive as Coke: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp61298)". May 5, 2021.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine
First Real Run-in With Methamphetamine

Six or seven years ago I was quite the psychedelic ranger and had extensive experience with various stimulants (amphetamine racemic & dextro, methylphenidate, pemoline, etc.) but never did lay hands on that dirtiest and scariest of drugs, Methamphetamine.

Fast forward to early 2007. My good friend, with whom I had most of my early drug experiences, works for a hospital lab with access to government crank, and procured a little bit (no easy task) for our enjoyment. It'd been years since we did anything together, and the opportunity was quite exciting.

Well, we snorted it, a little bump every few hours, and I was impressed. Compared to Ritalin (& its friends) the meth was a very clean stim, no discernible beta-activity until well into the comedown, more comparable to a long-lasting dextroamphetamine than anything. I won't go into glorious detail about the 'shiny white' feeling methamphetamine inspires -- this is a very simple drug. The greatest surprise was how *LONG* the stuff lasts!

Final impression? A strong fairly toxic stimulant drug, disturbingly entertaining and as compulsive as coke. A valuable tool, but handle with care.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61298
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 5, 2021Views: 1,297
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Methamphetamine (37) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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