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The Ups and Downs
Citation:   Crystal4life209. "The Ups and Downs: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp61328)". Feb 28, 2018.

  repeated   Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
The Ups and Downs of Meth

I tried meth to lose weight. All the weight loss one reads is true. I like the way my clothes fit better. I have more confidence in myself and my appearance.

At the start I was happy and energized all the time. I felt great. After a couple months of one week tweaks, I started doing it every day. By the end of that first week, of everyday usage, my head hurt so much. I felt down and weak. I decided to stick to one nite binge a week.

A few weeks later, I started using more. I started noticing that bumps were all over my arms. I had acne on my face. My hair was falling out, a lot more than I expected.

I started in July 2006, and by the start of December I had slowed down a lot. I've realized I have a love, hate relationship with meth that will last my whole life.
I have a love, hate relationship with meth that will last my whole life.
I've been clean for about 3 months and the cravings still hit me. Anything about meth, makes me jittery. Just writing this report makes me nervous. I deeply believe that Crystal will always be my friend for life.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 61328
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2018Views: 1,650
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Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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