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Journey to the Other Side
by F
Citation:   F. "Journey to the Other Side: An Experience with Ketamine (exp61435)". Mar 20, 2018.

500 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  500 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Although a very morbid time in my life this also was the awakening that I needed.

I haven't had much experience with K, I had tried it a few times around friends always after consuming pills, weed and drink and I would only do a little line. I had heard about k holes which made you not able to move and it was something I never wanted to be in.

Cut a very long story short I have been going through a serious time in my life and tried numerous times in a two week span to end my life. The last resort I figured was to take loads of K and go in the bath and hopefully be so out of it I drown! Looking back it was a silly idea but it was a time I didn't see no way out.

I bought a gram of K and chopped it into two massive lines, I ran a bath, lit some candles and once in the bath, this was about 6pm. I leaned over snorted one of the lines, doing half of one line in one nostril and then the other half of the line in the other nostril.I had one left over.

I laid back in the bath and the taste was disgusting, my nose was killing me and by now I was started to regret doing it. The next thing I remember is thrashing about in the bath twisting and turning whilst loud music played constantly. I thought I heard my front door going and that someone was standing over me shouting at me, I kept trying to focus which was pretty hard as my vision kept 'jumping', one second the taps were up close to my face and the next they would be far away. At this point I realised it hadn't worked but remembered I still had another line. With great difficulty I managed to somewhere hoist myself up and lean over and do the other line, this time after snorting it I just fell straight back into the bath and with the £20 note still in my hand I literally went on the maddest trip of my whole life. I remember it all although its so hard to explain I will try my best.

I started swimming in a massive ocean I was swimming slowly at first but gradually I started speeding up, the sky was a mixture of colours and it too started speeding up the colours kept changing and I remember feeling sick. The next thing I remember is talking to these people by a waterfall, I don't know who they were or what they said but I remember walking away with a gentle push from them thinking 'thats what I have to do' it is still frustrating me now trying to remember what they said to me. The next minute I was sliding down this soft spongy slide, as I was going the colours were getting more intense and music was still non stop playing in my head, full songs I know and love were replaying in my head like there was a hifi in my bathroom on full blast, I can even remember what songs was playing.

The slide I was on started getting faster and faster and I remember thinking - this is what its like to be dead, I was going in a downwards spiral getting faster and faster when suddenly it all slowed down
I was going in a downwards spiral getting faster and faster when suddenly it all slowed down
, the music started going slow and I ended up in this valley of intense colours and all around me things were splitting into two, then four, then eight and so on, I remember thinking this is how we was made. I was alone in this massive valley and all around me these strange shapes just kept splitting up. Man even writing it down it sounds crazy, I wish I could explain it better and be able to remember more details, I just remember thinking the whole time I was finally understanding who I was and how I got here.

The next thing I remember is standing at my neighbours door 00:15am just in a towel dripping wet trying to focus on her face which kept changing every second, I was terrified and she tells me I was just a mess who couldnt say anything of any sense for ages. An ambulance was called and I was taken to hospital where I later discharged myself.

I no longer want to die, not saying it was the K that has changed my mind but it deffo showed me something I have never seen before. I remember thinking throughout how I now understand everything that puzzled me before.

I don't ever want to do K again, people have asked me if I was scared during the trip and to be honest I have to say no, I was terrified before I done the K. Although I wouldn't recommend doing that much no way!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61435
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 20, 2018Views: 892
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Ketamine (31) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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