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Citation:   Shottycat. "Cat-Tea: An Experience with Catnip (exp61467)". Sep 17, 2007.

1 cup oral Catnip (tea)
I am rather wary with using illegal drugs, so I decided to try some legal stuff, and the most readily available for me was Catnip. I had tried smoking it a few times, but having nothing to compare it to, I didn't notice any effects. After looking on online for other methods of ingestion, I finally realized that I could make tea out of it! I bought some green tea and filled the tea-bag with catnip. The amount of catnip in the bag was roughly equal to the amount of tea that was in it. I stealthily went to the kitchen, under the guise I was 'making some green tea'. I boiled water and let the bag steep in one cup for about 10-20 minutes. The tea is light and minty, with a titch of saltyness.

Effects: Immediately after taking the first few sips, I felt sedated. Not heavily, but comparable to taking 2-3 25 mg benadryls. This was followed by a little laggy vision, not much, but it was noticeable. There was also small euphoria, heavy limbs and general apathy. Another effect I noticed was bodily warmth, but I'm not sure if it was from drinking hot tea or from the catnip. The effects lasted a total of around 45 minutes. I really liked it, and its good for just sitting at the computer or spacing out alone. Probably not the best party drugs, but definitely worth a try!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61467
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 17, 2007Views: 16,828
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Catnip (68) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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