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Low Dose, Big Experience
Morning Glory
by Alf
Citation:   Alf. "Low Dose, Big Experience: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp61539)". Jun 25, 2007.

  oral Morning Glory (seeds)
This experience started at my house, from around 11PM to 6 AM. I will try to recollect everything as best I can, although it might not be totally explicit and in order. I can't remember it perfectly, but I'll try my best to put the most important things in.

I had been studying psychoactive drugs for a long time, especially LSD. One day, I found the information that you could get similar effects of LSD from Morning Glory seeds, which contained Ergine (LSA), a chemical similar to LSD. After reading many reports online, I decided I should try this for myself. I'm a very cheap person you could say, so I bought 1200 seeds online for six dollars and fifty cents. All I could do now was wait. After about 2 weeks, they came in the mail.

I came home on this night, March 18, 2007, from a party. It was around 10 or 11 o'clock. My friend called, and we were talking to each other. I went to go sit down and watch the television, when I noticed on the desk right next to me a small package that was opened. It had an envelope inside of it, and in that envelope were 1200 Morning Glory seeds. I told my friend, who I had explained Morning Glories and such to, that I had finally got the seeds.

We both made jokes about how much of a junkhead I was, since I had done other drugs before, and I was pretty happy. He referenced the famous line 'My precious,' from Gollumn in Lord of the Rings, how soon I would be sucking it for Morning Glory seeds, and made other jokes about how much of a stoner I was. I was really quite happy, which I think played a role later on.

I went to my room, and since the seeds were really small, I didn't quite believe there were 1200 in this small little bag. I counted up to about 300 seeds, put those in a separate bag for later, and looking back at the bag which was still pretty full, decided that there were indeed 1200 seeds.

Right now I was very happy and relaxed. I decided I wanted to just see what these little things tasted like, so ate one, and then after a couple minutes another. Also, people had said before that users get nausea with seeds, even if they are untreated, and to see how a user react to the nausea, a user should eat a few. So I ate about 30 seeds..50 at most. I didn't think this would really have any effects on me, since it was a very very low dose. I just wanted to see how bad the nausea was, to see what to prepare for. I didn't want to trip on this night, since I knew I would probably be with my parents the rest of the night.

After eating the seeds, I continued to talk with my friend. We noticed I was sort of talking a bunch of gibberish, which now that I think about it, I was. We continued until about midnight when he had to hang up, since his phone's battery was dying. We made each other laugh for a little, then said our goodbyes. I didn't notice anything different really..just this little, feeling, in my stomach. I didn't want to cook anything right now, since I was tired from a sort of boring party that I had to go to earlier for my uncle. I popped a frozen corn dog dinner into the microwave, and ate that. It had a brownie in it, with lots of sugar of course, so I was awake.

After a while, I noticed that there was some sickness in my stomach. It wasn't all that bad at all, just a little nuisance. I went to the bathroom, and I passed by the mirror. I decided to look at my eyes to see if anything was up. I thought my pupils were starting to grow a little bit bigger, although I wasn't sure. I thought that maybe I was just making this up and telling myself they were bigger, when in reality they weren't. It was probably around 12:30 now. I went back to watching TV, and turned on the history channel. They began a program about the 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae.

I sat down and watched this. After a while I was really hyper. I thought it might have been from the sugar from my brownie, and I was really enjoying playing with this little stool. I continued watching the show, and playing with the stool. It was pure ecstasy, just playing with this stool with my legs. I thought something was up, but just continued and watched the show about the 300. It was very interesting. Incredibly interesting in fact. It was like watching a movie. As the history channel explained all the strategies that were used, and all the outcomes of the different things, I applauded and gave the generals my two thumbs up. I was very vocal, and had great admiration for all these soldiers-the Spartans, the Athenians, and all the other Greeks who fought these Persians. My dad, who was sitting in a chair some feet away must have thought I was pretty weird. Whenever the show would go to commercial, I'd switch to NBC, and watch Saturday Night Live for a little. One skit I remember somewhat, was some stupid dirty joke. The robots were having intercourse. Usually I wouldn't think this was funny, and just stupid, but I gave it a great big smile and cracked up, while my dad felt apparently uncomfortable watching actors dressed in robot suits have sex. I'd then switch back to the first show I was watching.

Eventually, the television show ended, at around 2 o'clock. I couldn't tell whether it had gone by incredibly fast, or incredibly slow. At the end of the show, I was in complete awe and fascination. Something was definitely up. I mean, it really was a good show, but how could it be the greatest thing I've ever seen in my entire lifetime? I went to the bathroom, looked at my eyes, and my pupils were huge. I was shocked. I knew now that these morning glories were working. This whole time I was very very happy. Nothing could go wrong. My dad asked me to go with him to our other house, which we were renting out and are now selling, to go run the sprinklers and turn off the house filling the replastered pool. I decided I probably should, and that it would be nice.

I got my PSP which was filled mostly with music, and turned it on. I put on Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and listened to the second movement. When I first stepped outside, everything went perfect. The music was beautiful, and went in harmony with everything. I looked at this light shining from my neighbors yard, and it was beautiful. It was shining in all directions, and sort of fuzzy with the cold night air, on the dark shade of the clear black sky. The music was sheer glory. We drove to the other house, which is about a mile away.

As I got out of the car, I wanted to listen to the music, but decided to turn it off. I put the PSP in my pocket with the earbuds. I turned on the sprinklers on this little strip in front of the lawn, and walked into the main lawn. I looked at the grass and the flowers on the front of the house. They were very nice. I then left and walked inside of the house. As I stepped in, I looked around. People had broken into our house before, even though there wasn't much to steal at all, and nothing of value to us. Just stuff the last renters had left behind. The house was almost completely empty. I thought maybe someone had broken in again. Anyways, back on track. I decided to see if anyone was in the house, so I looked around. I went into the kitchen. My dad turned on the porch light in the back, and it flickered on marvelously. It was a weird flicker. It illuminated everything for a second and then it went away.

I bumped into this cabinet in the kitchen on accident and it sorta grunted, like 'Ooof.' It seemed alive for a second. The whole kitchen was alive. I apologized to the cabinet, and proceeded to open the garage door. Everything sorta' sounded weird and trippy. I went into the garage and sorta toyed with everything. My dad walked in and sort of just watched me and said, 'Alright, let's go.'

My dad walked off, and I got out of the garage, as much as I wanted to stay in there. As I left the garage, I closed the garage door, which squeaked a little, and I heard a train. I asked myself, “What the fuck? There're no trains around here, are there?” I looked at the door and opened and closed it again. It squeaked and then made the train sound again. I continued to open and close the door, listening to the train inside the door hinges for about 5 minutes. I walked outside to the back yard, opened the gate separating the pool from the patio and back lawn. It made a loud crashing sound. I looked at the new replastered pool, which was so beautiful. The water was blue and dark. I stuck my hand in it, and moved it around. The water swooshed vibrantly, and felt superb and cool on my hand. I walked through the nice cozy living room and left the house. My dad closed the door and locked it on the way out.

I then turned off the first sprinklers, and turned on the sprinklers to the main lawn. I leaned onto the car and looked at the water coming out of the sprinklers shining in the light. I looked at how it sparkled when it made dew on the grass. I looked at the tree. They were all so beautiful and benevolent.

Me and my father got into a conversation about many different things. We talked about the Spartans, about how much mankind has done, which led into talk about technology..the environment, etc. It was a very good chat. I'd normally think it was sort of useless talking about this, and think my father was just rambling on about stuff, but somehow this talk was sophisticated and very fascinating. It had so much meaning in it. All the rambling on of me and my father connected and made sense. I wasn't indifferent anymore to the intellectual value in this talk, and could agree so much with my dad. Instead of just saying, 'Yep. Yeah. That's true,' I could honestly say, 'Oh my god I know. That really is amazing.' I could now tell him my theory on it, what it means. I could jump to different conclusions. It was like I had opened a jar of understanding.

Eventually, we left and came home. I looked at the night sky, and sort of said 'good night' to the darkness, and nature, and the outside world. I said good night to the night, and 'I will see you again tomorrow'. For the rest of this night, I would be in my home. By now, it was about 3:15 AM. It was time to go to sleep. I knew though, that I would probably not be sleeping for a while.

I was still very happy and joyful. I loved everyone right now, and decided I needed to say good night to everyone. First I said good night to my little sister, who was already asleep. I tucked her under her blanket, kissed her cute little cheek, and propped her on her pillow. I then arranged all the little stuffed animals, so that it would be perfect. Next, I went into my brothers room, and sort of put my hand through his hair and patted his head. He was sound asleep as well, sleeping like a baby. I put the blanket over his body and made sure he was cozy. Next, I said good night to my father. Next to him, was my mother. I think she deserved a lot of love since she's the one who works the hardest in my family. If anyone deserves my thanks, it is my mother. But she was asleep, and I couldn't wake her. I sort of kissed her on her forehead and rubbed her arm. She was sound asleep as well.

I took my little Chihuahua, Paco, and brought him to bed with me. I laid in bed, and pet him. I was just mostly thinking now. Things raced through my mind. I could have metacognition of my metacognition. I thought about so many things. I thought about life, about love, about people, about this room..I thought about what was happening. I thought about why I was thinking about this experience. I thought about why I was thinking about thinking about this experience! It might be hard to comprehend now..but then, it was completely normal. I listened to music as well. I listened to parts of Beethoven's 5th and 9th Symphonies, parts of Mahler's 3rd Symphony, a Ballade by Chopin, some songs by The Doors, and some songs by The Beatles. In particular, the 9th Symphony by Beethoven, last movement stood out. I listened to it and had beautiful dreams when I closed my eyes. I could see perfectly what was happening. 'The End,' by The Doors, sounded quite awesome too.

By now, as I lay down and concentrate, I could see some visuals. The first one was this towel that was sorta thrown onto a tom-tom on my drum set. It looked like 3 different things. The first thing it looked like was a Jamaican guy. The second was a Corinthian helmet, like the Spartans used. The last was sort of like Hercules or some majestic figure, looking up towards the sky. I looked at that for a while. As I concentrated on that, the world sort of changed. Everything was 2D sort of for a little while. It was like looking at a picture. Then the world sort of turned wavy and wobbly. Sometimes it would make big straight wave, or little wobbly waves. Then, the walls would breathe with me. It was really quite interesting and fun to see. It was like looking into a funhouse mirror. I looked up. I have a bunk bed, so there are these sort of bars. I stared at the bars and they sort of just became like a long, never ending line of bars. It was pretty cool. I tried to touch it, but it didn’t feel different.

Also, sometimes I could see patterns on my eyes. I'd look, and see weird crystals with a green background. But hundreds of them. It was like they were painted on the outside of my eye. It could best be described as similar to looking at my glasses while they were on. Like I wasn’t looking through my glasses at things outside, but actually at the lenses of the glasses. And they were painted with hundreds of patterns on them. Sometimes I would think to myself, 'God, what if this pattern lasts forever? Ah fuck, I think I might have fucked up.' But eventually the patterns would go away.

Also, my perception of touch changed a bit. Everything was kinda fun to feel. I could bite myself real hard on my finger, and it wouldn't hurt a bit. If I wanted to, I could have broken it with my jaw, but I decided that wouldn't be a good idea. I was able to tell when to stop using force or else I would hurt myself, but it was pretty cool to be able to bite myself and feel almost no pain at all. The pain I did feel felt kind of good. Almost similar to a massage. After biting my finger and tongue for a bit, I decided it was enough for now. There were also some auditory hallucinations. Sometimes the fan would sound like trumpets, or an orchestra playing some small thing.

I stopped observing all the trippy patterns, and my touch. I was no longer listening to music. I was mostly now just stuck in my head. I was thinking. I thought again about so many things. Time perception changed completely. Things went by fast. I thought from about 3:45 AM to around 6:30 AM. It zoomed by incredibly fast! I had been thinking for nearly 3 hours, and it seemed like I had been thinking for 5 minutes! I had probably thought more in this time though, than in my entire life. Eventually I wanted it to end. It had begun to stop. I was going back to sanity. Reality began to creep onto me again, and I was coming back to normal

I had learned many things. I learned about karma. I believe it is assuredly real after this trip. I learned about love. I learned about peace. I learned about infinity. I learned about everything.

I wondered if I would ever be the same now. I had thought so much about so many things, and learned so much. I was sort of comforted that I was normal again. I was back to reality. Before the trip I wasn't sure if I was in reality or not. This took me out of reality, and when it put me back in it, I decided I should hold on to it. I decided that I was in fact in our reality now. Maybe they were both reality, but I decided that I should only visit the other side sometimes. This incredibly small dosage did so much for me. I was so happy, and had so much good energy. I don't think I ever stopped tapping my foot for a second. Either the person I bought the seeds from had some really good seeds, or I'm very susceptible to the effects of this stuff.

I think there's still more to learn, and I'm going to find it. I remember this trip for how much fun I had, with all not only the hallucinations, but again, with everything that I gained. I found happiness during the trip. I can use everything I found in this in real life. I found joy. I found energy. And most importantly, I had learned, that I love everything.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61539
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 15,656
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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