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Tunnel Vision And Non-Stop Talking
by Boo
Citation:   Boo. "Tunnel Vision And Non-Stop Talking: An Experience with Crack (exp61544)". Jan 19, 2018.

  smoked Crack (freebase)
Well, to begin this report, I must tell you some of my background history. I have dabbled into pretty much every kind of substance except for IV (ie heroine). I smoke pot on a regular basis, and have experimented with shrooms, 2ci, LSD, ecstacy, pain medications, etc. I have done cocaine in the past, but by no means go looking for it on a regular basis. Usually it would be when a bunch of friends and I got together and decided to buy a gram or two for the party for the 4 or 5 of us. So, total, I've used cocaine about 5 times, each time not craving it at all. It's just good for a change.

I had been getting tired of a pot high, and had rolled on E a week or so ago (I hate coming down off of E, it is the worst feeling ever), and was wanting something different that I hadn't done in a while. So, the obvious answer was coke. I called up a friend, who knew a guy who supposedly had soft. So, she and I drove up to the parking lot, and she walks back into my car, asking if I'd be ok with rock. Now I've never tried it before, and I have to admit, I was really scared to try it, but a part of my brain said 'Fuck it, let's go for it.' So we bought it.

After making a trip into a local store to buy some Chore Boy (steel wool) and a tire gauge, she rigged a makeshift crackpipe. Obviously she had done it before, so she showed me the proper way to take a hit, etc.

So, for my first hit, we loaded a decent sized rock on top of the pipe, I lit it straight up, and the gradually moved it down like I was instructed to. Upon holding my breath to hold it in, I could already feel the rush. WHAM. I had instant tunnel vision, I was high as a kite, and I couldn't stop talking. Approximately 10 minutes later, I wanted another hit, and another.

I had some left over this morning, and did not hesitate to light it up, and I found myself scraping the inside and moving the Chore Boy around to see if I could find ANY at all still left inside.

All around, the high was fun, but not something that I, as a psychonaut, prefer. THIS SUBSTANCE FELT HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. I find that even though I didn't particularly enjoy the high, I want to, right now, go out and find more. And more.

So verdict: Fun, but very scary.

Experiment Safely,

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2018Views: 1,770
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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