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First Impression/Last Impression
Citation:   Dejaret. "First Impression/Last Impression: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp61632)". Apr 18, 2007.

24 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
Ok, never written a trip report before, so I thought I'd give it a shot :)

I guess history is needed, multiple experiences with LSD, shrooms, ecstacy, weed, coke, mescaline, GHB, DXM, ketamine, opiates and alcohol. I was recently given the opportunity to try 2C-T-2 and was thoroughly excited about it. I had the day off and planned the entire day around the experience, expecting a mild to medium trip, boy, was I in for a shock.

That morning, I got any small chores that I had been putting off done, so as to have a totally responsibility-free day in which to partake this substance. Hadn't eaten since the night before, was expecting nausea as I had read about. Now, I read awhile ago that snorting it reduced the incoming nausea, and for some reason that thought was imprinted in my brain. Why oh why the fact that snorting requires a much smaller dosage didn't stick in my brain, I don't know, so that fascilitated my next mistake. Measured out 24mg around 2:25pm, cut it into a line, got my straw ready, and leaned over the dresser.

OMFGHOLYSHITGODDAMNTHATFUCKINGHURTS@@!#!!!!@#!@#$*^!$...., this is FAST.....holy hell this is fucking FAST...

I mean, I was holding my nose jumping up and down, got maybe 10 feet away from the dresser, and my visuals were starting to surpass any I have ever seen on a 250mcg dose of LSD. That couldn't have been more than 30sec from the time I inhaled it, not even coke is that fast. Nothing I have EVER done has come on that quickly and that intensely that fast. Maybe a minute after that, I started sweating profusely, which actually started to worry me, so I went to the AC in my bedroom, turned it on high, and sat in front of it. There I sat, checking my nose for blood, cause nothing has ever hurt that bad lol, and watching the visuals skyrocket. Well, it felt like a good bit of time had passed, so I leaned around the corner to look at the clock on the wall in the next room. 2:29pm.


Holy hell....

After what seemed like an hour, and when my sweating calmed way down, I looked at the clock again. 2:38pm.


Well, I was convinced by then that I had not just killed myself, so I went to get some water out of my fridge. I absolutely LOVED the visual aspect of it. LSD-like visuals, but much more pronounced (moreso than even the 500-600mcg LSD trips I've had), and much more fluid, absolutely amazing. I grabbed the water and went back to the AC. I was laying on the floor on my back, and my cat came up and sat on my stomach, and I watched her rather unusual appearance twist and morph for 5min or so, then I started to get an uneasy feeling. So I pushed my cat off me, stretched out as far as I could, and then I knew what that feeling was: my stomach. I sat up to test it, and it got a little worse. I knew it was coming then, so I got up and stumbled to the sink in the other room, noticing the clock as I walked by (it said 2:48pm).

I pulled a chair up to the sink, kinda kneeled down on it with my elbows on the counter, and stared at the gloriously moving sink drain. (I love that room btw, its maybe 8'x24', with a countered sink on one side, a table with my computer and a tv on the other end, a doorway to the den in one long wall, a fridge and a long table with my turntables on the other long wall. I had all the windows covered by blankets, so the lighting in it is perfect.) I then proceded to have one hellish half an hour. If my body could have talked to me, this is what it would of been saying:

' this SHIT?!' 'Did I do something to make you hate me??!'

I so felt like I had been poisoned, and I remember thinking 'This stuff CAN'T be good for you'. After half an hour of swearing at the sink, I thought I might as well try and enjoy this since I'm already here. The problem was, no matter where I went, what position I was in, I still felt terrible. My whole body ached and my stomach was not happy with me. I tried sitting in front of the tv to play the game I had set up. I recently got a Nintendo Wii, and I'm a huge Zelda fan, I managed to find a promotional disk for the Gamecube that came out right before Wind Waker, that had 4 Zelda games on it, one of which was the original Legend of Zelda :):):):), some of you youngins probably don't appreciate what a great game that is, on a side note, that game was on the tv for the entire experience, so that soundtrack is forever etched into my brain.

I remember thinking that I would have liked to try killing time that way, but I just felt like shit, so I couldn't sit there for too long. I then went to lay on my bed for a bit, thinking that this was the peak, cause the visuals were out of this world gorgeous. Which is such a shame, I LOVED the visuals, but I felt too bad to enjoy them, which kinda angered me. Also, my mind was almost totally sober, I felt that I could have directed my thinking in any way I wanted, and I could have gotten very introspective had I been able to take my mind off of the way my body felt, which is another shame, there was alot of potential to work on some issues, but my body kept asking me why I did this to it. So, I decided to take a shower.

That was an interesting experience to say the least lol. Had a nice personal experience in there, and while I was rinsing my hair, I remember thinking 'I'm so glad that I'm not in this state every time I shower.' Rinsing off soap and shampoo was extremely difficult, cause I really could not tell if I had gotten it all out or not. I could have gotten out of the shower still covered in soap and shampoo thinking that I did wash it all off. Luckily, I looked in the mirror and saw that it was all rinsed off. I went back upstairs to my bedroom, looking out the window as I did, feeling sad that I couldn't go out and enjoy the beautiful sunny day. I looked at the clock, and it was 3:45pm. About 20min later, I could tell that the peak was over, which made me happy, I was sorry to see the visuals start to trail off, but I knew that the experience was ending, so I would feel better physically in the near future.

My stomach was much better after the shower, although not perfect, but my body now felt like I had eaten some dirty acid, joints ached and my back was full of tension and soreness, and for the love of god, if I could have only cracked my neck, I would feel better.

I then sat down and talked to a friend online, he knew I was doing the new powder I got, and wanted to know what it was like. I had some Corona in the fridge, and I promised myself that at 9pm, I was going to have the best tasting Corona in my entire life. So, from about 4:25 til about 7pm, I was talking to him online and watching my much loved visuals slowly dissipate. At 7pm, I decided to see what tv was like, so I turned it on, and found a very interesting show on the Science channel (love the Science channel, the Discovery channel, and the National Geographic channel :) ) called Planet Weather: Wind. It's about how wind starts, and globally moves around the world and creates all the weather that we see, was really into it, the mind state I was in was very conducive to learning I found. Until commercials started, the cramming of all of what society is about in 20-30sec really sickened me. Then, at 9pm, I finally opened a Corona, it was godly lol. I basically then rode the entire experience out to the very end, til NO effects remained, which lasted til about 3am. Sleep came fairly easy then. Pretty interesting dreams too :)

All in all, I do not regret the experience at all, it was very intense and an interesting introduction to RCs. I had expected a somewhat mild trip, which I think it would have been if I had eaten the dose. Again I guess I'll say lol, I absolutely LOVED the visual aspect, gorgeous visuals, and the mind-space was very malleable, it could have been a very productive tool for me, however, the physical aspect of it was HORRIBLE. I might find that taking it orally would seriously reduce the physical discomfort, but after the visual aspect I saw, and the mind-space I was in, I doubt I could get back there without somewhat of a heroic dose orally, which probably wouldn't reduce the physical aspect anyway, so I'm gonna pass on the rest of the powder I have. I have a few friends that might possibly be interested, but if they aren't, I guess I'm going to do the same thing MGS said years ago, use the rest for its intended legal purpose: a sink cleanser (which is kind of funny to me in a way, I feel that I thoroughly cleansed my sink during that half an hour of hell ,) )

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2007Views: 9,982
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2C-T-2 (53) : Health Problems (27), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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