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Chills, Feel Good
Piperazines (Parafluorophenylpiperazine / pFPP)
Citation:   Peterb78. "Chills, Feel Good: An Experience with Piperazines (Parafluorophenylpiperazine / pFPP) (exp61761)". Apr 2, 2007.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral Piperazines  
  T+ 1:44 40 mg oral Piperazines  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
18:21 swallowed 40mg pFPP
20:00 I can feel the sight starts to lag
20:30 Smoked a joint
21:00 I'm feeling pretty good, nothing special in particular. I have some butterflies in my stomach, things tends to look soft
21:05 Swallowed another 40mg pFPP
21:14 Smoked some weed
21:17 Puts on my headphones and start to listen to trancemusic. I can feel that something strange is going on inside of me, I lay down on the couch.
21:45 I'm feeling really good, I'm getting chills from time to time from the music, the windows on the screen has become softer and the letters has a red/green glowing aura around it self. It rocks with the mothin of waves.
21:50 smokes a joint
21:54 Sometimes the letters turns into a big blur and I can't read what it says. The hair in my neck rises to heavy music. I lay myself down on the couch again.

21:56 i feel that it's easy to dream away in the music and the eyes roll back (I have no memory of writing this line)
22:38 At 22:28 I felt so damn good that I didn't even care about writing it until later on. The letters is moving more than ever before. (It feels like it was only ten minutes since my last note)
22:45 I smoke on my joint and my eyes easily rolls back when closing my eyes.
23:49 The letters is still moving on the screen and I still feel good, though the peak has passed and I'm listening to chillmusic now. I'm a bit tired
23:56 If I would have had something to make me more alert I could easily go out on a club and dance in this state of mind.
00:27 I'm going to bed. Things are still moving around

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 2, 2007Views: 11,832
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Piperazines (99) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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