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The Story
Citation:   PLUR. "The Story: An Experience with GHB (exp61773)". May 9, 2007.

    GHB (daily)
This is a retrospective of my use of GHB. I started using GHB 2 years ago because I was fed up with having alcohol hangovers, bored with pot, and thought other drugs too risky to do on a regular basis. I had read about and researched GHB for a couple of years so I knew what I was getting into before I even tried it. On paper it seemed like the perfect drug. It was reported to be a nice mellow high similar to alcohol that left no hangover and had no toxic effect on the body.

When I first obtained GHB I bought a liters worth. I did not know the concentration so I took 1 ml of GHB and weighted it compared to 1 ml of water. I found that the GHB weighed 1 and 1/2 the weight of the water. From this I determined the dose to be 500mg in 1 ml of water. In case your wondering not all GHB is made to this concentration. I started off by taking 1 ml to see if I would have a atypical reaction. No effects were noticed so I took 3ml 2 hours later. 3ml produced a slight dizziness and buzzing feeling very similar to alcohol, but with less of the mind dulling effect. The next day I tried 6ml (3 grams). This produced a pleasant feeling similar to alcohol but clearer. There was a body buzz especially in my head. Music sounds the same, although it was easier to appreciate it if I concentrated.

The next day I took 9ml. This produced a drowsiness, a feeling of electricity throughout my body, a feeling of falling if I closed my eyes, like that feeling I get right before I fall asleep, and a heighten sense of touch. This was unique from alcohol in 2 ways. The feeling of falling when I closed my eyes was similar to that really drunk feeling I get after drinking a lot except it only came on when I closed my eyes. If I had some kind of stimuli then I would not feel it. The sense of touch was also different from the alcohol high. The best description of it is just like my sensitivity has increased. It is not a mind blowing feeling. If I didn’t concentrate on this aspect of the high I might not notice it. At doses greater then 9ml electric shocks were felt through my body and it was almost impossible to stay awake.

After using this compound on a regular basis (everyday) for 2 years I have learnt a good deal about it. 1 found it is most effective to take my whole dose at once. For me this means taking 3 grams at one time. If I want to increase the feeling I will take 500mg every half hour. If I close my eyes and feel the falling sensation or I feel electric shocks (most common in my hands and arms) I do not take anymore GHB. The high will not get better I will just fall asleep.

GHB mixes well with MDMA (at least in my body). My protocol for this is to take 3 grams of ghb then drop e. I then wait until the mdma hits me then I maintain my state by taking 1.5 grams every 1-2 hours. The feeling is similar to MDMA by itself and GHB by itself. I have not felt any synergy from mixing the two. However since they are both very pleasurable drugs mixing the two is very nice. Also the MDMA will prevent much of the drowsiness that GHB produces. The GHB will counteract the over stimulation that MDMA sometimes produces. I have never taken GHB and ketamine but I have seen others mix these two. Usually it makes the person pass out or delirious. GHB and alcohol is a bad idea. I have never done these two drugs together and I never will.

My withdrawal from ghb is limited to muscle pain. It feels like every old injury I have ever had suddenly comes back. It is not a nice feeling but it is not terrible either.

I hope this helps people who are interested in GHB. I have found it to be the greatest/safest drug I have ever tried. However, I have also seen many people mess themselves up from ghb.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61773
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2007Views: 20,934
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GHB (25) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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