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Fun at the Dentist
Triazolam (Halcion)
Citation:   captkannabis3. "Fun at the Dentist: An Experience with Triazolam (Halcion) (exp61794)". Jun 29, 2021.

0,25-0,5 mg oral Pharms - Triazolam (pill / tablet)
This 'trip' occured one evening when I had a dentist appointment to get 2 molars pulled. I was a lil nervous, so the doctor ad precribed me 0,25-50 mg of Triazolam for the procedure, since its used to calm patients, it's also a powerful drug. I ingested the drug on an empty stomach, and started my drive to the dentist. About 10 minutes after arriving at the dentist, the drug kicked in, and boy was it strong. It's easily comparable to being stoned, only much more intense. Basically, I went into the dentists room, sat it the chair, and for the next 30 minutes, I was more f*cked up then I have ever been. During the procedure, I was told I was completely outta it, and looked so f*cked up, as I was so. After they pulled the molars, I remembering getting up to leave, but was so f*cked up and confused I got lost (and it's a tiny office?). I had them call me a cab, I went home, and slept it off. Overall, it's a pretty good drug. The end.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 61794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2021Views: 791
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Pharms - Triazolam (209) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47)

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