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The Highest Peak for Me
by moon
Citation:   moon. "The Highest Peak for Me: An Experience with MDMA (exp61819)". Dec 9, 2020.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
This was the second time I ever took a pill(tested for pure MDMA). It was taken with people that I knew - friends, brothers of my fiance etc.

As normal, I was pretty tired at night before we took it so we watched a few movies to get the mood going. We had a huge dinner that night so I knew mine wouldnt kick in for a while but didnt sleep as for the last time it gave me a nasty wake up call.

In terms of timing, the whole episode lasted up to 5 hours (we went to the park).

As soon as I took it I could feel it hit me midly. Others took a while to kick in so I decided to go outside with the others to make it interesting.

During the drug I experienced bad jaw clenching (my teeth were fucked the next day), dry lips and dry mouth (we made sure we regulated our water supply all the time with us- our pee was not concentrated which means this dryne

We got to the park and it had seemed a few people were going on their peaks so I was just there to comfort them. About 10 minutes later my stomache started to hurt quite a bit so I said out loud 'Ahh my stomache hurts that means I'm gonna get HIGH' and as soon as I said that OMG the best wave went through me and I was rolling all over my boyfriend moaning - not sexually, just out of extreme comfort with the feeling constantly shouting 'THIS IS SOOO FUCKING AWESOME' about a quadrillion times, said in different tones. People were talkingabout things but I didnt care - words didnt matter to me. I noticed that when toomany people were talking I got distressed but they noticed and quite down.

My dosage was half and half later on - a full altogether. My peak lasted so long and it was absolutely a really hard to describe experience. The best I can come up with is think of stretching on a loong days work in a reaaaally comfortable bed but times 100. Very intense. At times the peak got too intense and I started crying (not sad.. Just intense) and I found breathing slowly helped me go down to earth a little more and helped me experience it better. Plus I noticed later I was talking really load and woke up some of the neighbourhood and had security come up - very scary for me. I started to be really apologetic and huggy at that point.

Also words help a lot. This is a completely mind thing - if I tell yourself I'm okay and I AM. The same is my mindset to how I want to approach the drug e.g. Described as a trip - my body is taking me on a trip whether I like it or not, if I want to come on the trip it will love me for it, if not it will yank me in the bus and force me to have a good time.

Experienced jaw clenching that fucked my teeth big time and regulated our water supply reaaally well - although my lips and mouth were dry our pees weren't concentrated - we drank regularly too so that means our body is fucking with us - I understand why there are so many deaths with this water problem now.

I woke up in the morning and found my mind was sharp - I was thinking Great! No hangover to it. The day was reaaally nice outside and I rolled around on the grass until we got subway - at that point I knew I was still on it because I was giggling like mad. Came back home and slept for aages. Got back up and realised my hangover just started - my jaw hurt like mad and the back of my head felt pressured into me - felt tight.

The whole experience was wonderful. I was worried that I woundnt remember - not the case. I loved it. End of story. :D

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61819
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2020Views: 857
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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