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Trippin while Asleep
Citation:   Arabgoat. "Trippin while Asleep: An Experience with Melatonin (exp62052)". Jun 12, 2007.

  repeated oral Melatonin (pill / tablet)
It does help. I started using this not too long ago. I'm an insomniac and kind of a modern hippy, so I didn't want to use prescription sleep aids. The first time I only felt tired, but without the ability to sleep. Another time it worked. Then read online that it alters dreams sometimes, and that's when it started to alter my dreams. I don't usually have dreams, or very lucid ones. It's been a long time, and I usually have them on a Saturday, barely ever on a weekday. It was Sunday, which is usually the night I can never fall asleep or get really little of it. That night I slept for a nice 8 hours, (wish I had ten though) No dream that night. The next night I wanted a dream so I took another 3 mg pill.

I had a crazy dream about me and my uncle buying a bunch of junk food because we had to spend 80 dollars because he wanted to get cash back I guess. we managed to get two carts full and it ended up adding to 15 dollars and 12 cents, and so I walked to an isle where this lady was stocking up the shelves with spices. I looked way up and saw a spice that said 'the missing spice' I guess it was the spice I could put in any food that'd make it just perfect. So I grabbed a little jar and it cost 326 dollars, so I asked her for a smaller sized one and it came up to be exactly 67 dollars and 88 cents. The end. I woke up. my dreams never have a conclusion, or I guess they just end early.

I relied on my internal waking system and always woke up for school with like 6 minutes to get ready. I take the pill two hours before I go to sleep because that's when it ends up being most effective. I wake up at 5 am, and just go back to sleep till 7 that way the most lucid dreams occur in the two hours I have. I stopped getting the dreams after two weeks of use, and just use it for the sleep I guess. The difference between 6mg and 3mg dream wise made no difference, for me at least. It also feels less effective sleep wise also.

It's trippy for awhile but then it dies down.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2007Views: 22,869
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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