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I Am the Devil
Inhalants (Gasoline)
Citation:   Kotton. "I Am the Devil: An Experience with Inhalants (Gasoline) (exp62127)". Jun 20, 2007.

  repeated inhaled Inhalants (gas)
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]

I am addicted and that’s all there is to it. I constantly feel the urge to get high on anything. That’s why I started with spray paint. It didn't give me illusions but made me feel peaceful and not worried about anything.

After weeks of abusing I was caught. My mom saw the paint on me and started questioning me. I was so out of it that I couldn't make complete words. So from then on I was done.

For two whole months I did nothing. Then I saw the gas can and had one of those 'need to get high urges'. I huffed for what seemed like hours but really minutes. My can came alive and called to me....KOTTON...KOTTON. It played this song over and over. The words are unknown to me but when I am high I know all of them. After countless experiences, I have come to realize gas is my enemy. Not in reality but when I am in the illusions. I now know they are the demons and I am the devil.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2007Views: 1,428
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Inhalants (29) : Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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