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The Sun's Rays Were Warm and Loving
Citation:   Green Giant. "The Sun's Rays Were Warm and Loving: An Experience with MDMA (exp62255)". Jun 29, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Rolling High

I'll first start out with a quick history of my experiences, I'm a daily pot smoker for about a year and half, have experimented with shrooms a few times, opium once, coke once, painkillers and antianxiety pills, and a few months ago tried ecstasy for the 1st time. I had received the small blue pill with an imprinted cash sign for $20. Apparently it was some serious x and I had been waiting a long time to finally do it. So it was just before 7th period, I popped the little pill in the bathroom and returned to class, eagerly awaiting for the effects to come on.

It took about a half hour/ 40 min. Until I was suddenly hit, like a fucking brick wall crashing on my head. I turned around I was completely in a daze, the room seemed brighter and yet their was this very light fog or mist all around. Then the waves came, it's hard to describe it but it's kind of like when I am on a roller coaster just before that big fall and my stomach feels completely empty and light as a feather and then whooosh! My entire body had these wonderful rolling sensations all over, like someone was taking a feather and just lightly taking it up and down. My mind had never felt this way! At first, I was overwhelmed but I soon was in heaven, nothing could worsen my mood, after a few minutes school was out and I preceeded outside with my friend.

OH MY GOD! Outdoors on xtc was intense, the wind was just orgasmic, the sun's rays were warm and so loving, the sky was beautiful and I just greeted everyone I saw with a smile. I got in the car to go home and I couldn't control myself! It was so intense, every fucking song was my favorite and I loved everyone! On the way home I tried to play sober but this one song came on and I just screamed to the top of my lungs singing with joy! I got home to find my mom home early and I quickly left to go to my buddy's. We walked outside and I took off my shirt and I just walked outside with all the energy I've ever had and talked for what seemed hours. I didn't care though, my friend just carried on conversation with my overly high ass. The total xperience lasted for about 4-5 hours and afterwards I was just completely drained.

The next few days I was mildly depressed but I wouldn't ever take back that xperience. Ecstasy is defently on my top list of drugs and I can't wait to get my hands on it again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62255
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2018Views: 707
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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