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Couldn't Get It Up
Piracetam & Alcohol
Citation:   Jones. "Couldn't Get It Up: An Experience with Piracetam & Alcohol (exp62288)". Jun 25, 2007.

5.0 g oral Piracetam  
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
I had been going out with my girlfriend for about 7 months and it came to the night when we were goin’ to lose our virginity to each other. I had started taking piracetam with a friend a few days before hand, and had liked the effects of it. I took like maybe 5 grams that day, including some right before she came round after my parents left. I was really nervous as well so I drank some of my parents alcohol to calm my nerves, which was a big mistake. Piracetam increases my sensitivity to alcohol, so that small amount that I drank felt like absolutely loads.

So to cut a long story short, the alcohol-piracetam combo made me feel really drunk, and when it came to it, I couldn’t get it up. I improvised, but because we're both shy, and her parents quite protective, opportunities like that don’t come along very often. I didn't get another chance, because she dumped me a month ago.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 62288
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 10,303
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Alcohol (61), Piracetam (95) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3)

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