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All of Existence is in That Tree
Morning Glory
by CR
Citation:   CR. "All of Existence is in That Tree: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp62315)". Dec 29, 2009.

25 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  100 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
A good friend of mine had taken morning glory seeds for the first time (about 25 or so seeds) and highly suggested it to me. He said that it was a very pleasant experience on that low dosage, and I decided to try it. He later suggested taking a low dosage before going to a higher dosage in order to get myself accustomed to it.

The seeds were easy enough to obtain, I found them at the local grocery store in the floral department. The first time I took them was during the day, I chewed up 25 seeds. After about an hour, I experienced a pleasant warm feeling, curiosity about things that I am not usually curious about (such as the grass, the feeling of my own body, etc). I also had some increased perception, etc. Patterns and textures, for example, were very pronounced, and almost took on a sort of 'character.'

About 2 weeks later (two nights ago), I had the chance to try a higher dosage. I counted out 25 seeds at a time and chewed them up until I had ingested 100 seeds. The taste became unpleasant after about the second handful, but I never had any feelings of nausea. About a half hour after I chewed them, I began feeling that warmth from before, as well as an increased sense of touch. My hands felt soft to the touch. About fifteen minutes later that nice warmth intensified, and was accompanied by a very calm feeling that pervaded me, all of life's pressures began to fade away. I began to see a sort of flashing light effect in everything around me, and everything seemed brighter than usual. I decided to lie down on my bed, I felt like I was floating, detached from the surface of the bed. I closed my eyes and saw some lights dancing around, sort of beckoning me toward them.

About an hour and a half after I had first taken the seeds, I got up to go outside. I didn't have much trouble walking, but I felt like I was in no rush, I just drifted along down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out into the backyard. It was dark, with the clouds in the sky illuminated by the moon and the streetlights. Everything looked so beautiful and serene. I looked up at the branches of the leafless tree (it was early springtime, before the leaves began to bud), the branches seemed to point to all of the universe. The entirety of existence seemed to all connect to that tree. I walked through the grass, and felt like I was part of all of the life in it. Walking over some gravel, I felt like they were alive, sort of moving beneath me. This sounds unnerving, but it was actually very pleasant, and made me feel sort of like I was a part of it all.

I went inside, put on some Shpongle and lay down on my bed. Once again I felt like I was floating. I closed my eyes again, no lights this time, but it drew me into a strong sense of calm. A friend called me, and I talked to her with not much of a problem. My speech came out a bit funny, and she seemed to think I was completely gone. But I wasn't completely gone, I was more 'with it' than I had ever been in my life.

(About 3 hours into my trip): I went outside again and leaned against the aforementioned tree. I moved my hands along the trunk and along the branches. I began to feel almost as if I were part of the tree. I was in a position that would have normally felt uncomfortable, completely connected to the tree, but it felt completely natural. I closed my eyes and my consciousness began to 'meld' with this tree which was a part of the entirety of existence and life in the universe. My self became part of the tree, and it became part of my self. I imagine that I stood there for a half hour or so, my spirit in union with that of the tree.

I'm not quite sure how I regained my self from there, but I wound up going back inside. At this point the feelings of warmth were starting to fade, and I knew that I was on my way back to reality. I turned out the lights in my bedroom and put on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, one of my favorite albums, then laid down and let myself sink into the pleasure of the music, it seemed to speak to me in ways that it never had before. I was very serene. Once the cd was over, I stood up. The feelings of warmth were gone, everything was 'normal' again. My trip was over.

This trip gave me some great insight into my place in the universe. I feel like I am part of all of the life around me, a feeling that I had never truly felt before. The experience opened my mind to new thoughts, new perspectives, and new insight. I have read reports that show significantly less power in their LSA experience. I'd imagine my weight and the potency of the seeds that I had may have had something to do with it. This was my first experience with psychoactives. It has definately changed my perspective on them, and I do plan on trying different things in the future.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62315
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2009Views: 5,989
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Morning Glory (38) : Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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