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Very Stimulated From This Small Amount
Citation:   BUKOWSKI (bbpd). "Very Stimulated From This Small Amount: An Experience with Calamus (exp62317)". May 1, 2019.

2 in buccal Calamus (fresh)
Confessions of a Southern Calamus Eater

Freshly cut root. I belive that must be the difference. The plant grows everywhere and I have no idea why you would pay for it from an online vendor.

I began by chewing some of the smaller off-shoots of the root and slowly increased my dosage over the time of an hour until I had the whole two inches in my gums. I held it there like a good piece of skoal.

I feel more stimulation than I have with any other chemical. I am very stimulated from this small amount, and I could see potential for larger doses. Mabey even leading into MDA like feelings. I have no sickness, cramps, or confusion. Very sublime yet strong at the same time.

This afternoon I plan to go on a sweet flag hunt, and increase my dosage by ten-fold.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62317
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2019Views: 1,007
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Calamus (106) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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