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Entirely Enjoyable and Pleasant
Citation:   EdHead. "Entirely Enjoyable and Pleasant: An Experience with Damiana (exp62327)". Oct 28, 2009.

1350 mg oral Damiana (capsule)
I purchased a bottle of Damiana from a GNC store while on a trip to California. Despite their prices and taxes which I am not used to, the purchase was quite cheap! 100 450mg capsules for under 7 dollars. I planned to use it after smoking some marijuana with friends back at the hotel, but never got around to it.

Some weeks later, at a coffee shop, I remembered I had the bottle in my backpack, and decided to give it a whirl. The pills were large, nothing I couldn't swallow, but I was feeling adventurous and wanted to test out alternative methods of ingestion. I tried opening one of the caps and dumping the contents into a large glass of water, but was unable to stir it enough to get rid of a good ammount of green chunks. I held my nose and drank as much of it as I could, probably 1/3rd to 1/2 of this very large glass, but it was so disgusting (I don't handle teas or other watery non sweetened drinks very well) I dumped it out and swallowed the 3 pills. A friend of mine also did the same.

Roughly 10-20 minutes later I felt very calm. It was difficult to focus on the conversation some other friends present were having, and I completely tuned out the otherwise very interesting discussion about politics and religion. I got up and moved around a lot. I would switch from the chair at a table I was sitting at, to a leather sofa, and back again, until I decided to go outside. It was surprisingly bright out, and I was perfectly content to stand in the parking lot staring at the ground.

I went back inside and noticed the whole world was teeter-tottering. Like, my right eye saw things go up and down, while my left eye saw the opposite of whatever the right eye was seeing. It did not affect my balance at all, I merely had to focus on an object or space and a second later it would bend up and down. I laid down on a sofa and stared at the ceiling which began to move. I asked my friend to try the same and he reported like visions.

The entire experience lasted maybe 1-2 hours, it is difficult to recall when I reached baseline. However I found the entire experience to be quite pleasant, and most certainly will be doing it again, sometime experimenting with smoking the herb as well as orally taking it. It was a great, mellow experience for a great price.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2009Views: 29,043
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