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Love Is the Word
Morning Glory
Citation:   Whitehawk. "Love Is the Word: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp62480)". Nov 22, 2020.

7 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
This was fantastic, I set aside a nice quiet day to do this.

Purchasing four packets from the local nursery I ingested these on the spot and then quickly drove home. As was expected I became ill and took a chill pill (took a nap and set my watch for an hour later) I actually awoke right before the alarm and instantly I knew that something was different, I had been dreaming about possibly the most beautiful and saddest dream I've ever had. When I awoke I was actually crying a bit but that soon lifted and I head out to my front porch (I live on two acres) and watched the sky pattern out above me, everything was dilated and everything looked so much more beautiful, the world around me seemed to radiate colors passionate and amazing like the petals of a flower.

After laying in my driveway I began to laugh at the clouds because I felt like jesus, on MDMA I feel like I love the world on this it felt like the Universe was in love with me. All around I noticed previously unnoticed little things, chirpings of individual birds, a new nest in one of the oaks of my front yard, subtle nuances in pieces of music I'd listened to many times before. All throughout it was simply beautiful is all I can ascribe it to being, once day turned to night I went to this wooded well sheltered park nearby and just took a walk, the world shifted highlighting all the shadows and everything took a pale blue iridescant sheen and I laid by the river and watched the clouds under the night moon, eventually after some four hours laying about in various parts of the park it had about tapered off and I went home, even though the effects had stopped I still had that feeling of love, not so intense but lingering filling me filling me as I'd never knew how.

All in all this was what I consider to be the best day of my life, just to remember it makes me feel better and sad all at the same time.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2020Views: 651
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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