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Beautiful Birds
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Citation:   Relaxxxd. "Beautiful Birds: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) (exp62589)". Oct 7, 2009.

  repeated oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I have been doing this drug on and off for around 3 years for allergies. I never experienced any vivid hallucination up till now, but I have never exceeded 350mg until recently. I have a couple experiences, but I will put them all in one report.

For the first one, I will title it: Incredible, until...

Feel like: fatigued

Dose: 400mg

Setting: my Bedroom

I had been up all night watching movies and wanking, dying to get high. I decided I would try to get some hallucinations this time, and popped 200mg in the form of 50mg gel tabs on an empty stomach with a good amount of water. I put on Eurotrip and layed in bed. 20 min later, I start feeling a body high, and an intense lag, that's the only way I can describe it, if I move my head one way, everything will blurr. I started to say to myself, 'This is great! maybe more will make me feel even better!' I went to the kitchen popped 2 more, and bring 2 extra with me in case I want more.

5 min later I start feeling even better. I try to watch the movie, but I can't focus, I keep going off and looking at the wall and just thinking about random things. Suddenly, out of no where, I get EXTREMELY horny. Soon after that, I take my covers off and grab a box of tissues. No pornographic material needed, With this stuff, my wildest fantasies will come to my mind. I can't describe how an orgasm feels when on this stuff. It was incredible, like no orgasm I have ever experienced. I also noticed a bit of size increase.

After I cleaned up and got focused, the 2 pills I had taken before hit me like a euphoria freight train. Since my main goal in this experience is hallucinations, I popped the other 2 I brought with me. I went to take a leak, and it HURT LIKE HELL! I think someone described it as 'Pissing razor blades.' I have to concur. I put on another movie (Unbreakable) and watched some of it, but couldn't focus for too long. It was around 8 in the morning and I got an urge to work out, so I did some exercises, this may have been the mistake. After I was finished, I got nauseous, more than ever before. I layed back, and tried to chill out, but I failed. Thought I was going to puke for a while, but I didn't want to do that, so I drank some milk and just layed down for a while.

I tried to watch the rest of the movie, but my heart was going at 1000mph and I was freaking out. I then sat at my computer and listened to some music, while sipping small amounts of milk to prevent from puking. After that, my memory is pretty much blurred, but I do know I didn't get better until around dinner time. I also remember I had NO trouble sleeping that night! I slept from 10PM to 12PM the next day

Next experience.

Title: A trip with the beautiful birds

Goal: Sleep aid. I have NO trouble sleeping, but I was feeling fatigued during the day, and suspected bad sleep, so I thought this would help me.

Feel like: Pretty good, happy, had a good dinner, played around all day

Setting: my bedroom

Dose: 200mg, stretched out over a few hours

I was sitting at my computer, chatting with some pals, listening to music. I take 100mg of Diphenhydramine in the form of 50mg Geltabs, on a slightly filled stomach. I chat with friends online, waiting for it to kick in so I can rest well for the night. They hit me around 30 min later, Very hard. It was pretty fast, kinda weird to out of nowhere, feel fucked up. I took 100mg more with a glass of milk and some nutri-grain bars. I turned my computer off (something I never do) and climbed into bed. for about an hour, I layed there just relaxing. It felt great to finally be relaxed, I don't think I have ever been relaxed until then.

I started to feel like I was in a dream. I kept going cross eyed, I felt like I was doing it, but I had no control over it. Soon after that, I started thinking about these 2 cardinals I had seen earlier that week - a male and a female, just playing in my front yard, it made me happy when I saw them. I dozed off into another world, watchin these birds again. I came back to my body (I mean this literally, thinking about those cardinals, took me to that time, I was in a different world) and saw one of those birds on my nose, it was so great to see and feel that for some reason. The other one was flying around in my room so the one on my nose started playing with it. Finally.. some hallucinations!

I saw them playing for around 50 min, but my mouth was getting VERY dry, so I had to go get something to drink. I tried to stand up, but I failed. I fell right back on my bed and tried again..Failure. The third time, I fell forward onto the floor. My legs didn't work. I couldn't move them no matter what. I layed there for like 20 minutes. The birds I was previously seeing pulled me up. I know that I lifted myself up, but at the time it felt like they lifted me up. Trying to walk out of my messy room and not step on anything was an extreme challenge, I had to grab onto stuff so I didn't fall over, but I made it.

Walking down the hallway, I felt great, my body was flying, I was in what can only be described as a dreamlike state. There were flowers on the wall, birds flying around, and I was walking on a cloud. Stumbling around like a drunken idiot, I got to the kitchen and got the water. Score. No lights, they kill the buzz. I turned around and looked at the kitchen (moonlight made it to where I could see a little bit.) It was huge, I was never going to make it across walking, so I got on my knees and crawled, it felt like it took hours, I crawled all the way to my room. I pulled myself up to my bed, threw my covers on and fell asleep almost instantly. I'm sure I had good dreams. Felt great the next day too. I have no idea how taking that little made me feel so great, 200 is more effective than 400mg. It may have to do with the fact I wasn't moving alot and watching Tv.

So far I think of that as the best experience of my life.

Good effects:

Vivid Hallucinations

Calm, euphoric state

Easy to relax

No pain

Long lasting effects

'Dreaming while awake' feeling

Increased sexual feelings, easier to get a hard on, the whole time it feels like I am constantly cumming.

HIGHLY sedated feeling, no matter what, if I don't move for an hour after taking it, I cannot feel my body.

It's very fun to walk while on this drug, for some reason.

Bad effects:

Temporary Paranoia

Tingly feeling all over body... can be kinda scary and annoying

Nervous feeling

Photosensitive (lights are hard to be around and kill effects)

I feel like I have to move my legs around

PAINFUL! pissing experiences while on this drug...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2009Views: 35,113
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