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Chomping Leaves in Ceylon
by Alex
Citation:   Alex. "Chomping Leaves in Ceylon: An Experience with Coca (exp62618)". Oct 9, 2017.

10 leaves buccal Coca (leaves)
Chewed Coca Leaves in Ceylon

Last august I visited my father in Dubai and went on to visit Ceylon (Sri Lanka) for a week. On the penultimate day of the visit we took a tuk tuk ride to see the sights of the local towns. After about a thousand foot cimb up a winding jungle path we stopped for a tour of a house formerly the abode of some gay British artist/aristocrat type.

Back home I am a frequent enjoyer of nice marijuana and have voyaged with various stimulants and psychedelics, but strolling through the botanical gardens that led to this old house, I was none the wiser that I was about to partake of any mouth-watering drugs. The house turned out to be of a beautifully tranquil ambience, open rooms with big windows and plants, a marvelous book collection-I was stunned to see a steven king among them! The west facing porch was my favourite, oblivious as I was to the bushy cocaine plant that stood almost ten feet away, I kneeled down in awe of the placid dusk that settled around me.

Anyway, the guide eventually turned our attention to the average looking plant near to us. We strolled toward him where he snatched a handful of the leaves and swiftly ate them, telling us they were cocaine through a mouthful of the leaves. I then indulged, without hesitation grabbing a handful of about 10,15 maybe and squeezed them into a ball and began chewing. By this point I was back on the tuk tuk and concentrating on chomping the leaves between my front teeth
I was back on the tuk tuk and concentrating on chomping the leaves between my front teeth
to pulp them into a more effective state.

I began to notice they tasted almost like pepto bismol, almost, and that they were having a mild anesthetic effect on my tongue and gums, just like with a lick of coke. I held them in my mouth in various areas and chewing them until I was forced to swallow what was left.

For about a minute after swallowing them I forgot about any oncoming effects and took in the alienating spectacle. I was surrounded by large cows labouring through the road, a man taking a dump into a ditch, a hen with no beak eyes!! I sat in the noisy cocoon of the speeding tuk tuk licking my lips making the most of the Cocaine gum sensation when I felt a flutter. Now make no mistake this high was nowhere near Cocaine euphoria, but it had the same beautiful energy, I became intensely involved in the skill of the driver and the amount of near misses we had on the pot-hole ridden roads.

I would compare the effect to that of maybe 5 espresso's but less physical and very clean.

We then went on to get massages and after 20mins of ingestion noticed the buzz fade, but was left feeling contempt and very blissful that I'd just had a secret little high, the best kind from the grounds of the earth.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 62618
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2017Views: 2,350
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Coca (158) : First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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