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Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   I J G. "Heaven: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp62828)". Feb 1, 2021.

1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I have heard about Nitrous oxide from my buddies quite frequently so I decided to try it out a couple of days ago. I was surprised on how easy it was to get, and how cheap it was. It was about 11 dollars(Canadian) for a box of 'whippets' and about 50 dollars for a whip cream dispenser. That night me and my friend C walked out to the golf course behind my house to trip. I have never had experience with any drug other than pot and mush, so I didn't know what to expect. I anxiously filled up a balloon and started to inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale, I kept inhaling and exhaling until I thought my head was going to explode. I lost control of all of my body and flopped onto my side. It felt so good. A slight tingling of my whole body, and numbness of my entire mouth. I remember hearing C ask me questions and his voice sounded like a tremolo. The pitch kept rising and falling and rising and falling. I was so intrigued by what was happening and I was really getting into it. Than of course, I snapped back into the reality of me sitting on a hill in the middle of a golf course. I was slightly sad about this, but then I realized that we had 2 boxes of whippets still. Overall I am slightly disappointed on the length of the trip, but I still fell in love with N2O. That was 3 days ago, and since then I have probably done nitrous 40 more times. Its the shit.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62828
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2021Views: 849
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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