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Can I Walk Three Feet?
Morning Glory
Citation:   spookyfoxx. "Can I Walk Three Feet?: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp62872)". Aug 29, 2017.

150 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
Curious about trying a hallucinogen, and having never been able to obtain mushrooms or lsd, I read about Morning Glory seeds and figured it would be worth a try. I have many years experience with alcohol and pot, and enjoyed painkillers and coke whenever available. I was in a calm mindset, with no major stress and alone at home for the week. I did as much research as I could find on Morning Glory, and felt like if nausea was the worst side effect then I would be fine going through with it.

I purchased 8 packets of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds at the local Walmart. Not sure how many would be in a pack, I figured this would be more then enough. Not knowing if they have been treated, I thoroughly washed them with dish soap. There are many methods of ingestion, and since I didn't own a coffee grinder I soaked them in water for about 30 minutes and chopped them up with a knife. This was pretty ineffective to say the least. I ended up placing 150 squished up seeds into a cup of pudding and chewed each bite at least 50 times until the cup was empty. The taste wasn't so bad,.. a little nutty.

After about 15 minutes, I felt my mouth and lips tingly. I wasn't sure if this was from all the chewing, but as time went on, it continued to become more noticeable. I decided to sit and watch tv to get my mind off of it.

An hour after ingesting the seeds, I started to feel more effects. I started to feel a little lightheaded and my limbs felt heavy. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, however my stomach was definitely feeling queasy. I had purchased some pepto to help with that and took some, and soon after it passed. This continued the entire time of my trip,.. having the tension in my stomach build until I took some pepto and it would subside. I never felt like I would puke, but it was an annoying side effect. I was starting to have a difficult time concentrating and because of my stomach, I decided to lay down in my bed where it was dark and cool. The tv and lights were all on in my living room, but turning them all off felt like a task I couldn't complete. My mind could not concentrate and would fly from thought to thought.

2 hours into my trip, I was laying in bed trying to concentrate on my stomach. I had my laptop in bed with me and was still functional. However, as time went by, I started to feel anxious, and jittery. I did have to pee alot for some reason, and whenever I got up, I was shocked to realize how hard it was to walk. I felt like my legs were weighed down and felt like they couldn't handle my body. As I was in the bathroom, the wallpaper did have a red glow to it,.. as if I was staring at a light and then looked away. I went back in bed but didn't see any other sort of hallucination whatsoever. Instead, my legs started twitching very hard. The next time I went to the bathroom my legs cramped so hard in the back of my thigh I started to panic, feeling like I did physical harm to myself. I decided to stay in bed for the rest of the time.

4 hours after ingesting the seeds, I was chatting online and would go in and out of thoughts. I would look around my room and my view felt like it was cut into bits and pieces. My body felt increasingly uncomfortable, and my stomach had settled but was definitely still off. I was starting to panic, and decided to call a friend who knew what I was on and would talk me through it.

During the phone conversation I would be telling and story and then stop in midsentance and completely forget what I was saying. At times I would have a hard time forming words to even talk at all. My mouth was dry and still had to pee alot. At one point I was uncertain if I'd even be able to walk the 3 feet from my bed to the bathroom. My legs have never been in such pain before. It was definitely a frightening experience.

About 6 hours after taking the seeds, the effects started slowing down. I could speak again normally, however very lethargically. I could maintain my thought, and my legs were still twitchy but I was definitely calmer. I finally dozed off about 7 hours after ingesting only 150 seeds.

When I woke up, I felt very drained and my legs were sore. Other then that, I felt fine.

All in all, I was not expecting the leg cramps, and that is what shocked me the most. Also, if I try this again, I will definitely try it with a sort of extraction method instead of just eating the seeds.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62872
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2017Views: 1,168
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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