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The Past
Morning Glory (Flying Saucer, Pearly Gates)
by Cha
Citation:   Cha. "The Past: An Experience with Morning Glory (Flying Saucer, Pearly Gates) (exp62974)". Jun 1, 2007.

6.0 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I was having a pretty crappy Saturday. All my friends were up at their cabins while I was sitting at home watching tv. I realized something needed to be done or I would go insane with boredom. So I went to taco bell (yea pretty sad I know). After eating I went to this gardening shop because it was mothers day and my mom is an avid gardener so I wanted to pick something out for her. I remembered reading somewhere that you could trip on Morning Glory, being the pecemist and non believer I am I grabbed 4 packs of the stuff. I couldn't remember which ones you should get for the best high so I just grabbed the ones with the coolest sounding names, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers.

It was around 8:00 PM when I got home from my journey to taco bell. I am a very lazy person so I didnt want to wait an hour to do the extracting method so I threw all 225 seeds into a coffee grinder and ground them to an extremely fine powder. I took the powder and poured it into a big glass of lemonade. I thought to my self ok its just one big chug... GO. I chugged it down as fast as I could and put the glass down. Much to my shugrin most of the pulp stuck to the bottom so I filled the glass again with coke and got it all down this time.

About 10 minutes after my stomach felt tight and a little queazy. So I went into the living room and turned on comedy central. On it was possibly the worst movie ever, the sweetest thing. After watching for about ten minutes my stomach hurt from laughter. I knew this wasn't normal laughter because that movie is terrible, so I knew something was up. Nobody was home at the time so I could laugh like a moron by myself. About 30 minutes after I had drank the stuff my mom, dad, and brother came home, so I thought to myself I better go to bed before they think something funny is going on. So about 50 minutes after drinking the stuff I went up to my room.

I sat down in my chair and continued watching that stupid movie. I felt my whole body getting a feeling of numbness. At this point it was worth the 4 dollars and 50 cents. Everything felt so soothing. Then my mind started to wander. I couldn't believe how easy it was to 'remember' everything I saw on tv. I could connect to my past experiences. It started raining heavily and there was some lightning too. I opened my drapes and went back to my bed. I stared at that lightning storm for ten minutes, I thought about how beautiful some things are that sometimes I miss when I am inside. I stood up and went to the window and I could see the flashing lightning outside but I also saw the flashing of the tv behind me. I thought tv is only a lightning storm with color. It has all the same flashy lights but it is just disguised as pictures.

This is about 2 hours into my trip, I remember every time I would breathe I could hear it differently and I would sometimes moan unknowingly and uncontrolably. At this point I had to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and everything was just different. It was like looking at myself in another dimension, I could see things that I wouldnt have noticed before, and everything had a great glow to it. I finished peeing and went out into the hall. There is a mirror in the hall that I looked into closely. My pupils were stretched to the outer rim of my cornea (thats the colored part) there was just a little circle of blue surrounded by a pool of black I stared into that mirror for 5 minutes just thinking. Thinking about the past and thinking about what will happen in the future.

I went back into my room and turned on comedy central and it was liza lampanelli. I watched her for two hours. It was only a one hour show but it was repeated after the first one ended. I couldnt tell when it ended, everything seemed to run together in a perfect contineum. I looked over at my wall and it started to slowly melt away into nothingness. I closed my eyes and saw the most beautiful strings of color everything had great simplicity to it. I was getting tired so I slowly drifted off and had the best sleep in years.

That concludes my great experience with this great substance. And it wont be my last.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2007Views: 7,829
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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