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An Affirmation of my Love for Being Alive
by Pyro
Citation:   Pyro. "An Affirmation of my Love for Being Alive: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp63181)". Oct 31, 2008.

30 mg oral 2C-T-7
I truly find myself in this particular turbulent part of reality, this I shouted at top volume at the peak of the experience, the chaotic experience of myself goes quite well with my anarchic thinking and personality.

Ingesting 30mg of 2c-t-7 has been a very deep experience and for the first time I have trouble in finding the words to describe the experience. This drug is up there right next to LSD-25, psilocybin and mescaline, the intensity of the experience is somewhat overwhelming but very warm, in an emotional way, and very euphoric. There was a slight body load, an inherent tendency to vomit and slight nausea were part of the first couple of hours but faded away after reaching the plateau.

The initial effects after ingestion on empty stomach were felt within the hour, it took about 2.5h to reach the peak and about 3 hours on plateau before the effects slowly faded away, with the total time of psychoactivity about 13 hours. The initial effects were very intense, there was a very strong stimulation and euphoria, the peak had very intense visuals, visions and even out of body experiences.

While peaking I went to the toilet but I forgot to put the light on before I closed the door, I was overwhelmed by visions so I just sat down and enjoyed the visionary eye candy for a long time before I remembered that I was actually in a bathroom. Some of the visions in the darkness of the bathroom were of knifes, swords and dogs attacking and even penetrating and tearing my flesh apart, incidentally I watched a Japanese animation earlier that day where a lot of blood was shed by knifes, swords and some people torn apart by dogs.

When all this was happening I was grinning like a little kid and very euphoric of seeing such magnificent visions even wishing for more intensity, I believe I shouted as well that I wanted more, that the compound would let me experience this all in greater intensity. After this I went to a room without lights, before I was with friends in one room with some music on the background, this is where I experienced some intense out of body experiences. I sat in a meditation position with legs crossed, here I lost myself somewhere and what felt that I lost my body as well it was as if my awareness was traveling through an alien landscape.

Not everything with this compound was just imagery, it also allowed me to really look into my inner workings. Found some things that were bothering me, I already knew what was bothering me but didn’t know why, this experience helped to map those little problems.

During very intense hallucinations, my friends and myself decided to go outside for a walk, it was Saturday night so it was quite possible that we would meet people, knowing we were not even in the slightest capable to communicate with other people, we went anyway.

When we got outside we didn’t even recognize the flats surrounding our own, I noted that It would be probably pretty hard to find the flat back but nature was calling =]. We walked straight to a little stream, the sound was hypnotizing and this moment we decided to climb a high hill. We started climbing which took quite the effort it must have looked hilarious for we were sort of spinning round and round while climbing, following the hallucinations.

Reality at the time seemed to be composed out of fractals, I saw every small fractal of which trees, grass and other plants were composed. It started raining which was very pleasant, the sound the feeling of water hitting my face and flowing down it was all as if we were dreaming. This whole experience was so positive, it was an affirmation of my love for being alive, being free and able to do whatever I want in order to get most out of my life.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63181
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 31, 2008Views: 8,280
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2C-T-7 (54) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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