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Fudge Delight
Citation:   777Roghen777. "Fudge Delight: An Experience with Chocolate (exp63200)". Jun 28, 2007.

  oral Caffeine (liquid)
  12 g oral Chocolate (edible / food)
So.... I'm not exactly a drug user. I've never tried any illicit drugs for recreational purposes, and I probably never will (though I must admit, I am quite curious about psychoactives). And yet as I sit here at my computer, typing what you are reading, I feel happy that I've decided to post this. I find even this something fun to do in this anonymous, boring life of mine...

I'm in a generally good mood right now, I'm feeling happy that I got a day off from school today (for various reasons), the sun is shining, and the weather seems to be quite nice (though a bit to hot for my liking). I am sitting here, at my computer, as I have said, in the second floor loft of my Connecticut home. I am alone. I can hear my Mom on the phone downstairs, pacing around the house and chatting while she does so.. Not the excitement I would have liked....

It is right now 11:50 AM, and I'm freshly awake from a can of Coca-Cola Classic I had about an hour earlier. I am now taking a bite of the fudge:

I eat a small morsel, and the sweet, rich taste goes down quickly through my tongue. My mind is telling me that I crave more.

As to fulfill my craving, I scrape out a bit more out and eat it. I now realize that the fudge is a bit old (It was purchased during Easter season of 2007), and hard, though it is still sweet and chocolaty.

I now take a large bite, and the taste of chocolate and walnuts overwhelms my mouth. I savor the taste.

It is now 11:55 AM, and I am taking yet another bite of the chocolate. It is absolutely delicious. Creamy and soft in the center, the texture is somewhat grainy or starchy.

At what is now 11:57 AM, I eat the last bit of the fudge.

The aftereffect of the chocolate (As is with most or all chocolate, for me) is simply a craving for more. The taste seems to release a considerable amount of happiness (Perhaps endorphins?) within me. I feel a bit more energetic, and yet at the same time relaxed. I simply want more.

Is this not the most common psychoactive substance in the world. If it is, I'm definitely not surprised

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2007Views: 28,785
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Chocolate (182) : General (1), Alone (16)

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