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Point of No Return
Morning Glory
by sam
Citation:   sam. "Point of No Return: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp63234)". May 26, 2019.

16.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
This was something that happened to me years ago. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

It was a beautiful early spring day in 2001--the sun was out and it was warm. Timmy was a stay at home dad and I was a college student at the time. One Thursday afternoon in the spring we decide we were going to trip on morning glories. He had never done this before and I promised him a great time. I bought 10-12 packages to split evenly and promised Tim a great trip. Everything was going to plan until last minute when he decided to back out--I actually think he got scared, so I mixed all of the seeds into ice-cream as we originally planned and I ate it all. It was all good, a great day, no class and off of work--what could be better? or so I thought. About an hour later I started to feel an intense buzz come on. We smoked a bowl and watched some cartoon network and it was all good for the time being. Then Timmy had to pick up his kids from school.

My experience went down hill from there. I dropped the seeds down my throat about 11 am, by this time it was around 3 pm and I was starting to trip hard--not the hardest trip I had experienced but I knew this was going to be a long ride by how hard the buzz was coming. Tim was cool about everything and promised to be back in a jiffy. When he got back he informed me that he needed to run some errands with his wife and asked if I wouldn't mind babysitting. What?! I was tripping hard by this point but didn't want to leave because A.) I couldn't drive and B.) didn't want to head home as I knew I had not peaked yet (about 4:15pm). I agreed and me and his kids watched cartoon network and hung out.

I was tripping so hard at this point, the combine dose I took of LSA was having me in a 4th dimension where all forms of perspective were gone, everything blended into everything else. I got scared for the kids, I didn't want them to get scared of me although I was be goofy and lounging around with them. I remember calling Tim on his cell phone like 5 times trying to get him to come home ASAP, 1 so we could hang and he could talk me down if need be and 2 so his kids wouldn't get freaked out at uncle Matt tripping balls. He finally got back but I knew my welcome was worn out, his wife wanted for him to make dinner and get the kids some attention et cetera and I seriously needed to leave.

At this point my buddy Dan called me on my cell and I was soooooo happpy to hear his voice. I talked him into coming over to pick me up and by the time he showed up I was BEYOUND tripping. Nothing ever experienced since and definitely before. I was no longer in the 4th dimension, it was more like the 13th. My visual field had completely melted, everything seems to be joined/attached to everything else. No depth perception, colors all blended together and time was almost frozen. A car ride that took maybe 15 minutes felt like a year had gone by. The traffic outside Dan's truck was moving both fast and slow at the same time. I begged for him to take me to the hospital but he wouldn't. I seriously thought I had overdosed and was feeling the effects of poisoning.

I remember vomiting the seeds, maybe because I hadn't eaten anything else but breakfast and the ice-cream laced seed all day long. The trip was so very intense, I had been through some intense LSD trips out camping in the middle of know-where before and taking straight liquid drops also but these were tame compared to the 10-12 packages I morning glories I ingested. I still get shivers to this day thinking of this experience as I am sure I was at the edge of sanity that day and night. I remember dropping at 11 am and I was still tripping hard around midnight that night when I finally got home. I must have plateaued at some point late in the evening--but was sane enough to drive home because I remember being in my bedroom awake all night watching TV, and then not being tired the next day because I was still feeling the trip in the morning. I obviously skipped class that day and luckily did not have to work Friday also but I was probably tripping for the most of that next day as well. All I remember is Tim calling me up and wondering if I was cool, Dan telling me about some crazy shit I was saying/doing before I left to go home. This experience happened around the time when the Spider-Man movie came out, and the Spider-Man blotter also appeared. Man, that was some great acid but that is another story...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 63234
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2019Views: 842
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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