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I Never Felt Sick Again
by Nero
Citation:   Nero. "I Never Felt Sick Again: An Experience with Cannabis (exp63291)". May 29, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
My Weed, My Medication

First, I want to bring to your attention that english is not my native tongue. So if you happen to find some typos or incorrect sentences, please forgive me ,-)

Ever since I was born (and I was born one month early, I had to stay at the hospital for 7 weeks) I suffered from some strange illness. Do you know that little organ inside your head, close to your ears that regulate your movements, balance and your coordination? Well, mine’s fucked up! You wouldn’t believe the number of different kinds of doctors or pills they prescribed for me, because nobody knew what I had.

Every single day I felt dizzy.
Every single day I felt dizzy.
Two, maybe three times a year it felt like that little organ just stopped working. When I had this kind of “seizure” I could not stand up because my balance and sense of direction simply wasn’t there. Everything was spinning before my eyes and I threw up every 20 minutes. This would usually last 24 hours until it was over.

And then it stopped!

Like so many teenagers before me, I decided to smoke some weed to “see what all the fuss was about”. At that time I had no idea what would happen. I was almost 17 years old and was smoking weed once a week for about 6 months and I noticed that the dizzyness was gone! Around this time I found reports of cannabis helping against nausea. I decided to test it, so I didn’t smoke weed for some time. A few weeks later I noticed the dizzyness came back.

Since then I had one “seizure” that same year, but I am now almost 23 years old and I never felt sick again. Smoking pot has given me the opportunity to enjoy life and actually feel normal! I never have encountered someone with the same illness so I don’t know if it will help anyone, but I just had to share this.

Exp Year: 2001-2007ExpID: 63291
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 29, 2019Views: 910
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Unknown Context (20)

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