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My Mind Is Numb
by TK3
Citation:   TK3. "My Mind Is Numb: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp63364)". Oct 4, 2020.

20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
One of the best feelings on earth is those produced by oxycotin. It may not come in a large flowing amounts, but when it comes I always buy at least 20 mg and even that can make me feel great for a whole night.

So I buy a 40 mg pill from a friend for 20 which is a pretty good price since theres a pretty good demand for the stuff. Once I get home I rush strait to my room and cut the pill in half, and crush a half a pill up on my table very carefully making sure I dont let the slightest bit get away from my pile. Seeing as I need a quarter of a pill to get me going for the night I split the half in half and grab a pen and pull it apart so that a have a tube and snort the first line in two quick sniffs.

For the rest of the night I watch T.V. and talk on the phone to close friends while constantly itching my plesently warm body surfing the internet and listening to the Flaming Lips and thinking about that one time I did acid and felt the car was a boom box.

Pretty soon I feel I want to go to sleep and snort the second half with the same procedure. I lay down with Aphex Twin's Windowlicker stuck in my head thinking about my friends and how great life can be and drift into dreamless sleep.

In retrospect I fell oxycotin is ok to dabble in every once a while but definitely not every day, seeing as it can be rather addicting and since it's an opiate the withdraw can be pretty bad.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2020Views: 839
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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