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Relaxation on a Blotter
Citation:   Psych0naut. "Relaxation on a Blotter: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp63581)". Jul 30, 2007.

100 ug sublingual Pharms - Fentanyl (blotter / tab)
I have taken fentanyl twice up to now. I took one blotter of 100ug 11 days ago, and two blotters of 100ug 9 days ago. Fentanyl apparently raises ones tolerance to opiates and opioids very fast, my first experience was a bit better than my second experience, while I took twice as much the second time. That's why I wanted to wait with any opioids for some time to lower the little tolerance I have to nil.

T 17:31 I took one blotter of 100ug. I took it sublingually again so it would be absorbed the most efficientally.

T 17:41 I am already starting to feel the first feelings of warmth throughout my lower legs. I am still keeping my saliva in my mouth to make sure all the fentanyl is absorbed. The blotter has been completely dissolved by now. I am also starting to feel a bit relaxed.

T 17:51 I am now clearly feeling the effects. I am getting pretty stoned and numb, my whole body is starting to glow. This is clearly going to be a good experience, it was pretty clear very soon from the beginning of my last experience, and this time as well. That's the nice thing about Fentanyl, the effects come up pretty quickly, though unfortunately it's over soon as well.

T 18:01 The effect have increased in strength even more. My body is still feeling very warm, my body still feels numb and I am starting to feel even more stoned. My vision is getting a bit blurry as well, like my eyes can't focus. I am going to listen to proper music for this occasion, Coldplay and Massive Attack as always when on opioids. I know from the first time I peak pretty fast when I take fentanyl sublingually, and since it has been an hour since intake I don't think it's going to get any stronger, though I will wait it out and maybe take some more.

T 18:11 The effects haven't increased much more, the warm feeling throughout my body is still the same, my vision might have become a little bit blurrier and I am more stoned. Unfortunately I am also starting to feel a bit nauseous. I just drank 2 glasses of ice cold spring water and ate a few strawberries. I still have little experience with opiates and opioids, but the good experience I did have with them also had a big downside, it usually causes nausea on the end of the experience and very bad nausea the next day, sometimes till the point of vomitting, I have had it with all opiates and opioids in high doses except for fentanyl yet. While I have been typing this the nausea already dropped and is almost gone.

T 18:21 The effects are already subsiding, I am doubting if I should take anything else or just wait untill another time. It's a shame it's over so fast, though it's Queensday here in the Netherlands, which is the day my whole country is one big party, and I plan on going to Amsterdam in a couple of hours, where the whole city is one big party. I don't want to be tired then, so I just wait it out. The first thing I had noticed is that my vision has cleared up and is almost back to normal, the warmth throughout my body is also subsiding, though I am still stoned.

T 18:31 It has now been exactly one hour since intake and it seems like the last 20 minutes have been very much the same, I still feel the same like 20 minutes ago, the only thing that has changed was my vision getting better again. Many people call fentanyl 'Heroin without a soul' I agree on that. Though fentanyl is very nice it seems a bit cold and synthetic (which it ofcourse is) Opiates and semi-synthetic opioids and even tramadol feel much more friendly.

T 18:41 Half an hour has now passed and none of the feelings I am experiencing have changed in that time. One thing I noticed again, which I noticed last time as well is that time seems to pass by very fast. 10 minutes feels like just a few minutes. I still find it a bit weird that even though I am past my peak, the feelings haven't changed a bit in half an hour, which is strange with a drug like fentanyl since it comes up so fast and subsides fast as well. I peaked within half an hour after intake, but I have been at a plateau for the 30 minutes after that.

T 19:01 I am still feeling the same, my vision is still as bad as it used to be, apparently it only cleared up for a short time a while ago. I am still feeling as stoned as I have been feeling the last hour, I am still feeling the same feeling of warmth throughout my body I was feeling an hour ago. My stomach is also feeling a bit uncomfortable.

T 19:11 I just went to my kitchen to get something to drink and eat, and it seemed like the effects have subsided quite a bit, or that I just didn't notice the effects have subsided. I am only feeling some after effects now. I still ain't at baseline, I am still feeling a bit stoned but a lot less than I felt in the last hour. It seems like all the effects subside so subtly that I don't even notice it.

T 19:21 I am practically at baseline now, this is the end of the experience. Fentanyl is a nice opioid but its short duration is a big downside, though the lack of nausea is a plus. In my experience fentanyl is also a lot less euphoric than other opioids, it's pretty relaxing but lacks in the euphoria other opiates and opioids have.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63581
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2007Views: 58,041
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : General (1), Alone (16)

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